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APHA Scientific Session and Event Listing

Socialist Caucus

NOTE: Sessions listed in italics have been organized by another section, SPIG, or caucus but are endorsed by Socialist Caucus.

[ Recorded presentation ] Recordings available online

Monday, November 06, 2006

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mon
3001.0Taming the Genital Herpes Epidemic: Rethinking the Role of HSV Screening and Testing (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3002.0What's the Tobacco Industry up to Now? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3004.0AOD and the Chronic Disease Model: Response and Emerging Priorities (Oral)
3018.0Providing Health Care to the Uninsured (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3019.0Community Health Center Movement: 40 Years Promoting Social Justice and Health Equity for the Underserved (Oral)
3020.0Katrina, Responding to a Public Health Emergency: The Event and the Aftermath (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3021.0Partnerships Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3030.0HIV and Breastfeeding: New Data and Challenges for Protecting Child Health and Nutrition in Resource Poor Settings (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3031.0Targeted Food and Nutrition Marketing to Vulnerable Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3033.0The Economics of Health and Health Services I (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3036.0HIV/AIDS and Issues Facing Asian and Pacific-Islander Communities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3037.0HIV/AIDS and Injection Drug-Using Communities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3042.0Rationing, Human Rights, Money and Antiretrovirals: Observations from Lesotho, South Africa & Russia (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3045.0The Role and Contribution of the Private Sector in Realizing Health Sector Reform (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3046.0Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Chronic Diseases Among Latinos (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3047.0Assessing and Intervening with Vulnerable Youth Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3048.0Global Perspectives: Macro-Level Screening and Surveillance To Improve Pregnancy Outcomes (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3050.0Unintended Pregnancy: Risk and Resilience (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3051.0Rural and Urban Health Issues in Service Provision and Emergency Preparedness (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3052.0Jail and Prison Health: Female Prisoners and Juveniles (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3053.0Preparation for and Mental Health Effects of Disaster (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3054.0Insurance Parity for Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3054.1Pre-Therapeutic Techniques and Coercion in Mental Health (Roundtable)
3056.0United with the Community to Recognize Occupational Health and Safety Rights as Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3059.0Bridging the Gaps in Health Disparities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3061.0Human Rights through Global Lens: Challenges and Opportunities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3062.0Caring for Vulnerable Populations (Oral)
3064.0Post-Katrina and other Services to Address School Mental Health Needs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3067.0Farm and Animal Worker Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3069.0Critical Issues Affecting the Sexual Health of Women (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3070.0Breast Health, Breast Cancer, and Survivorship (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
10:30 AM-11:30 AM Mon
3079.4Public Policy in Aging (Poster)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Mon
3084.0Treating Drug Abuse in Vulnerable Populations: A Human Right (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3090.0Women's Health and the Illusion of Choice (Oral)
3093.0Human Rights in Public Health: Why We Should Care? (Oral)
3097.0What�s So Right about Rights? Foundations of Health and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3101.0Health and Access to Care Disparities of Adult and Child Immigrants (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3104.0Prevention and Service to Individuals at Risk for or Living with HIV/AIDS (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3108.0Environmental Justice and Access to Healthy Foods: Developing Community-University Partnerships to Address the Built Environment (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3109.0Environmental Justice in the Home: Strategies to Improve Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3115.0Ensuring Food Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3116.0Legal Strategies to Fight Childhood Obesity (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3117.0Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit: An Update on the First Year (Oral)
3123.0Policy Perspectives on Human Rights and Attention to HIV/AIDS Issues (Roundtable)
3124.0African-American MSM and HIV/AIDS: New Understandings and Innovative Interventions (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3125.0Firearms and Domestic Violence Policy Implications (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3128.0Is it a Human Right for Health Workers to Migrate from Poor Countries? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3129.0Nutritional Status: The Influence of Poverty, Equity, and Autonomy (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3131.0Developing Local and National Policies to Assure Access to Comprehensive Maternity Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3132.0Successful Collaborations, Policies and Programs Supporting the Right of Women to Breastfeed According to National and International Standards (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3135.0Alternative Approaches to Universal Access to Health Insurance (Panel Discussion)
3137.0Democratic Participation in Occupational Health Policy in the Americas: The Cases of Brazil and Venezuela (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3138.0Impact of Work Organization on Worker Well-being (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3140.0Access to Safe, Quality Abortion Care is a Basic Human Right (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3141.0Rights-Based Approaches to Sexual and Reproductive Health I (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3142.0Immigrants� Rights to Health in the U.S.A (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3146.0Human Rights and Ethical Issues in Health Education (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3147.0Health Education Responds to Minority Health Issues (Oral)
3148.0Human Rights Violation in Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3150.0Sexual Health Issues of Youth (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3151.0Health Care for People, Not for Profit (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3154.0Whose Rights? Sexual Values Clarification and HIV Prevention (Roundtable)
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Mon
3155.0Human Rights and Reproductive Rights: Experiences of Women (Poster)
3156.0Committee on Women's Rights Presents: Women's Rights ARE Human Rights (Poster)
3159.0Multi-sector Approaches to Childhood Obesity Prevention (Poster)
3160.0State and Community Efforts to Address Obesity (Poster)
3161.0Community-based Approaches to Addressing Disparities in the Food and Activity Environment (Poster)
3171.0Topics in MCH Epidemiology and Data (Poster)
3172.0Infant and child health (Poster)
3173.0Women and Reproductive Health: From Fertility Awareness to Postpartum Health (Poster)
3174.0Clinical Practices Supporting the Right of Babies to be Breastfed (Poster)
3175.0Contemporary Issues and Controversies in Adolescent Health (Poster)
3177.0Norms and Sexual Partnerships (Poster)
3178.0Policy and Advocacy Best Practices (Poster)
3180.0Issues Pertaining to College Health (Poster)
3181.0Current Issues in Women's Health (Poster)
3182.0Perspectives on Violence Against Women (Poster)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Mon
3183.0New Approaches and Measures to Address the Workforce Crises (Oral)
3186.0Evaluation Update: Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3188.0American Indian and Alaska Native Youth (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3194.0Asylum Seekers (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3198.0Identifying Health Risks Impacting Refugees, Immigrants and Victims of Human Trafficking (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3200.0Innovative Approaches to Substance Abuse, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3201.0The Importance of Cultural Competence in Reducing Health Disparities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3202.0Community Networks to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities through Education, Research and Training: Program and Evaluation Strategies (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3204.0Re-Forming Health Care Systems (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3212.0Research Ethics (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3213.0Joint Environment & Nutrition Section: Securing the Right to Food (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3218.0HIV/AIDS in the Southern United States (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3220.0Maternal Mortality: Do Women have the Right to Safe Childbirth? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3221.0Water and the Environment: Affecting Health Across Borders (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3222.0Building Capacity for Hispanics in the Community (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3224.0Veterans' Health: Dual Use, Aging, and Gender Specific Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3225.0Quality Improvement Issues in Diabetes and Obesity (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3226.0Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Access to Care (Oral)
3227.0Focus on Hispanic Health Care--New Information Using Federal Data (Panel Discussion)
3228.0Bruno Lima Symposium: Mental Health Issues in Minority Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3230.0Social Context of Occupational Health Disparities for Healthcare Workers: Findings of the PHASE in Healthcare Research Project (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3231.0Examination of occupational health policy at federal, state, and local levels (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3232.0Community-based Research and Interventions With Worker Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3232.1Reevaluating Current Hospital Work Hour Limits: What are Safe Hours for Physicians, Nurses, and the Public? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3234.0War and Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3235.0Aspects of Quality in the Provision of Domestic Family Planning/Reproductive Health Services (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3236.0Rights-Based Approaches to Sexual and Reproductive Health II (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3237.0Training, Reproductive Rights and Abortion (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3237.1Emergency Contraception in Diverse Settings (Roundtable)
3239.0Successful Strategies in Worksite Health Promotion (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3246.0Public Health Nursing--Ensuring Environmental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3248.0Meeting the Health Needs of All Students (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3251.0Whither the Welfare State? Reforms of Welfare States (Oral)
3252.0Human Rights: War, Rape and HIV in Women (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3255.0Women's Rights are Human Rights: In the US and Around the World (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Mon
3265.0Older Adults as Consumers and Acess to Care (Poster)
3268.0Social Support and Caregiving (Poster)
3271.0Global Issues in HIV/AIDS (Poster)
3273.0HIV/AIDS: New Understanding, Innovative Approaches (Poster)
3274.0Women's Use of Reproductive Health Services (Poster)
3275.0Reproductive Health Programs (Poster)
3276.0Working with Special Populations (Poster)
3277.0Abortion and PAC Services (Poster)
3278.0Reproductive Health among Special Populations (Poster)
3279.0 Preventing Diabetes through Effective Health Education (Poster)
3280.0Communication Factors in Reaching Special Populations (Poster)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Mon
3281.0Leveraging Practice & Academic Partnerships for Teaching and Training the Public Health Workforce (Oral)
3283.0Politics, Policy, and Community Action: Best Practices to Combat Underage Drinking (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3292.0Uplifting Prisoners Rights to Preserve Human Rights: Guantanamo and Beyond (Oral)
3297.0Ethics, Human Rights and the HIV/AIDS Crisis in the African American Population (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3298.0Collaboration and Partnerships with the Faith Community to Work on Global Health Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3299.0Innovative Health Programs and Education for Refugees and Immigrants (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3301.0Providing Insurance and Removing Barriers to Health Care for the Uninsured (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3304.0Advocating for Health Promotion and the Prevention of Chonic Diseases (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3306.0Human Rights, Hydrocarbons, and Hozho (Oral)
3313.0Joint Environment & Nutrition Track: Implications of the Food, Agriculture and Economic Policy for Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3321.0Mental Health and HIV/AIDS (Oral)
3324.0Trade Agreements and Trade Issues Affecting Health in Developing Countries (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3325.0Improving Access to Essential Drugs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3330.0Preconception Care: From Recommendations to Practice (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3331.0Violence Prevention in Families and Community (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3332.0Health Services Research: Access to Care (Oral)
3334.0Quality Improvement and Outcomes of Care on a National Scale (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3335.0Identifying and Addressing Ethnic and Racial Disparities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3337.0Telling our Stories: How Do We Spread the Word about Successful Participatory Occupational Health and Safety Activities? (Part 1) (Oral)
3338.0Training and Communication Efforts to Protect Worker Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3340.0Men and Pregnancy-Related Decision-Making (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3341.0Gender, Reproductive Health and Violence (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3342.0Addressing Health Issues Among Vulnerable Populations (Roundtable)
3352.0The Pandemic Potential Of Emerging And Re-emerging Zoonotic Diseases: challenges for recognition, monitoring and control (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3353.0Public Health and War: Lessons Learned and Not Learned Part I (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3354.0International Women's Health Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Mon
3368.0Issues Related to Managed Care, Medicaid and Medications for the Uninsured (Poster)
3370.0Innovative Approaches to Health Promotion and Increasing Access for Minorities and Men's Health (Poster)
3371.0Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among Hispanics (Poster)
3372.0Building Capacity: Empowering Latinos (Poster)
3377.0Issues in Maternal and Child Health (Poster)
3382.0ATOD and Sexual Issues Among Students (Poster)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Mon
3386.0HIV and HCV in Drug Users (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3390.0Information Technologies and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3393.0Public Health and Human Rights: The Role of Community-Based Public Health Research and Education (Oral)
3394.0Increasing Access to Medicaid and Providing Prescription Assisstance to the Uninsured and the Underinsured (Roundtable)
3396.0 Nutrition Education and Promoting Healthy Behaviors to Prevent Chronic Conditions (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3398.0Global Climate Change, Clean Energy and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3400.0Protecting Children's Environmental Health: Education and Social Justice (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3407.0Access to Testing and Treatment for HIV-Positive Mothers in South Africa: Health and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3408.0HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3410.0Labor Rights Are Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3412.0Options for Childbirth: A Fundamental Woman's Right (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3413.0Early intervention Services: An approach to toxic stress in young children (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3414.0Protecting the Right of Infants of WIC Participants to Be Breastfed (Oral)
3416.0Telling our Stories: How Do We Spread the Word about Successful Participatory Occupational Health and Safety Activities? (Part 2) (Oral)
3418.0Terrorism and Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3426.0Public Health and War: Lessons Learned and Not Learned Part II (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3427.0Women's Health Disparities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Mon
3429.0Social Marketing as a Cessation Strategy (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3431.0Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders: Epidemiology, Policy, Practice, and Costs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3433.0Prevention of Childhood Obesity: The Role of the Food Industry and Local Governments in Creating Healthy Environments (Oral)
3434.0HIV Issues Facing African American Men (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3435.0Displaced Populations: Differing Causes, Common Needs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3438.0Improving Quality! Practical Models that Work (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
3439.0History of Occupational Safety and Health: Does the OSHA Paradigm Work in the 21st Century? An Activist Dialogue (Oral)
3440.0Engaging the Community in Nutrition and Obesity Prevention (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

8:30 AM-10:00 AM Tue
4001.0Understanding Ethnic and Racial Disparities: Alcohol-Related Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4006.0Listening to our Elders (Oral)
4007.0Women�s Rights in International Settings: Violations of Human Rights? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4010.0Human Rights and War (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4014.0Providing Quality and Culturally Sensitive Multidisciplinary Health Care for Refugees and Immigrants (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4018.0Insurance, Medical Homes and Improving Health Care for Children (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4022.0Challenging The Chip: Labor Rights, Health and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4024.0Joint Environment and Nutrition Track: Drugs in our Corn Flakes? Risks to Public Health and the U.S. Food (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4029.0Inequality, Ethics and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4030.0Public Health Implications of Food Insecurity (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4031.0Human Rights and Aging (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4035.0Ethics, Justice, and Human Rights Issues in Health Administration (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4036.0Prevention for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4037.0Gay, Bisexual, And Other Men Who Have Sex With Men: 21st Century Sexual Health Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4038.0Men Anpil Chaj Pa Lou (Many Hands Make The Load Lighter): REACH 2010 In The Haitian Community (Oral)
4040.0Injury and Violence Prevention Policy Development and Policy Implementation (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4041.0Promoting and Protecting the Rights of the Child (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4043.0Sociocultural Dimensions of HIV Prevention and Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4044.0How Does National Instability Affect Health Systems?: A Growing Challenge in Global Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4048.0The Influence of Finance and Policy Decisions on Systems Changes and Health Outcomes (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4049.0From Research to Action: Reducing Perinatal Mortality and SIDS Risks in Multiple Settings (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4050.0Suicide (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4051.0HIV and Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4053.0Strategies for Improving Maternal Health and Child Survival (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4054.0Strategies for Improving US Policy on Domestic and International Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4055.0Addressing STIs and HIV Around the World (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4058.0Breathing Easier with Asthma Education (Roundtable)
4059.0Disparities in the Community (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4060.0Nurse-Managed Health Centers: Past, Present, & Future (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4069.0Cervical Cancer Screening: Not Always Guaranteed (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
12:30 PM-1:30 PM Tue
4085.1Health Care Interventions for Refugee and Immigrant Populations (Poster)
4086.0Environmental, Community and Behavioral Approaches to Improve Health (Poster)
4087.0Developing Public Health Infrastructure to Address Acts of Bioterrorism and/or Pandemics (Poster)
4096.0Access to Care: Addressing Barriers Encountered by Latinos (Poster)
4097.0Latino Sexual and Reproductive Health (Poster)
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Tue
4102.0Drinking Patterns, Health and Social Problems: New Results with Public Health Significance from the 2005 National Alcohol Survey (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4111.0Human Rights Open Forum (Oral)
4117.0Advocating for Public Health: Successful Models for Enacting Policy, Regulations and Legislation (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4122.0Katrina, Superfund, and Environmental Exposures: Risk Assessment Perspectives (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4123.0Water, Water Everywhere, But Not a Safe Drop to Drink! (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4124.0The Health Impacts of Medical Waste Incineration and Alternatives (Oral)
4129.0Quarantine, Isolation and Other Human Rights Issues in Disease Control and Prevention (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4130.0Healthy Food Assistance and Agricultural Policy (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4131.0What Can Communities Do to Address Childhood Overweight? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4132.0Environment and Aging (Oral)
4135.0Workforce Issues in the Health System (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4137.0The Economics of Health and Health Services II (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4138.0Black South African Women Living With HIV: The Roles of Trauma, Power, And Disclosure In Their Lives (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4140.0Mental Health, Women's Rights, and Overlooked Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4143.0Nurse Supervisory Status: Prescription for Instability? (Oral)
4145.0Social Sciences in Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4146.0Drug Policy and Pharmacy Services (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4147.0Toward Affordable Health Care For All: Reflecting on Strategy (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4149.0Consumer and Family Involvement in Mental Health Treatment Decisions (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4150.3Pre-Therapeutic Techniques and Coercion in Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4152.0Health Impact of War in the Middle East (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4154.0Quality as a Rights Issue (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4155.0Realizing the Right to Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4156.0Policy Advocacy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4156.1Contraceptive Methods in the Context of Reproductive Health Programs (Roundtable)
4159.0Innovative Strategies and Programs in School Health (Roundtable)
4161.0Human rights and Public Health: International Perspectives (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4163.0Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Achieving a New Vision of Reproductive Justice (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
2:30 PM-3:30 PM Tue
4176.0Advocating to Bring Prevention and Services to All (Poster)
4177.0The Right to Positive Pregnancy Outcomes: Barriers to Care and Other Issues (Poster)
4188.0Improving Health in the Worksite (Poster)
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Tue
4193.0Club Drugs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4195.0The Legacy of Human Rights Violations: Implications for AI/AN/NH Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4199.0Human Rights Issues in Response to Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4202.0Hurricane Katrina: One Year Later (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4206.0Providing Access to Critical Health Services Including Medications (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4207.0The Built Environment: Environmental Triggers and Effects on Chronic Conditions (Oral)
4211.0Deadly Legacy of Military Toxics: Community Initiative to Document and Address Health and Environmental Impacts (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4213.0Compromised Air, Water, and Public Works: An International Perspective (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4219.0War, Conflict, Refugees, and Detainees: Ethical and Human Rights Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4228.0New Approaches To Understanding HIV Risk Behavior (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4229.0HIV/AIDS Care And Treatment Issues Among Women (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4229.1Black And Latino Male Bisexuality And HIV/AIDS: Gender, Context, And Culture (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4231.0Violence, Including Youth, Intimate Partner, Child Maltreatment, Sexual Violence, Gang and Firearm Violence (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4234.0Malaria: History, Equity, and Prevention (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4235.0Labor, the War in Iraq and Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4236.0Improving Latino Access to Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4237.0Martha May Elliot Forum: War, Resources and Maternal-Child Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4238.0P Ellen Parsons Memorial Session: Universal Access: At a Tipping Point? (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4239.0Asthma Disparities: the Parents Asthma Communication Experiences and Boston Breathes (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4240.1Drug Manufacturers, the FDA, and U.S. Health Care: How Can the Public Be Assured of Access to Safe, Effective Medicines? (Panel Discussion)
4242.0The System of Care for Children's Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4243.0Empowering Underserved Workers through Occupational Health and Safety Training (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4244.0Workplace Violence Prevention: Responding to the Lack of an OSHA Standard (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4247.0Supply and Demand: Contraceptive Procurement and Social Marketing (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4248.0The Circumstances of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4254.0Health Access for Vulnerable Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4255.0Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4256.0Women's Voices in the Movement for National Health Care (Oral)
4258.0Reproductive Justice in the Gene Age (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Tue
4266.0Contemporary Issues in Health Care Reform (Poster)
4268.0Reproductive Health: Innovations, Policy, and Access (Poster)
4269.0Taking Care of Mothers (Poster)
4270.0The Spectrum of Adolescent Motherhood: from Pregnancy to Parenting (Poster)
4271.0Breastfeeding Research and Program Development and Evaluation (Poster)
4273.0Improving Pregnancy Outcomes (Poster)
4277.0Maternal Health (Poster)
4278.0Cancer Prevention through Health Education (Poster)
4280.0Community Partnerships--Making a Difference (Poster)
4283.0Improving Health Outcomes through Community Partnerships (Poster)
4284.0Public Health Nursing Meeting Health Needs (Poster)
4:30 PM-6:00 PM Tue
4287.0Partnerships for All-Hazards Preparedness in the Public Health Workforce (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4293.0Community Based Participatory Research (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4298.0Health and Human Rights of the Incarcerated (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4303.0Providing Care and Management to Individuals Living with Diabetes (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4306.0Get the Lead Out!: A Children's Health Emergency (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4307.0Human health and the environment: Toward an ecological view (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4308.0Ethics and Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4314.0Leadership Development Strategies in Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4318.0Innovative HIV Interventions Among Vulnerable Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4321.0Latino Population Human Rights issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4323.0Avedis Donabedian Award in Quality Improvement Session (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4324.025 Year History of AIDS: The U.S., Israel, and South Africa on the Anniversary of the Epidemic (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4326.0Mental Health and the Military; Mental Health and Aging (Roundtable)
4327.0Human Rights and Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4328.0Immigrant and Minority Workers (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4329.0Ergonomic exposures and socioeconomic status: Findings of the PHASE in Healthcare research project (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4330.1Labor, The War in Iraq and Public Health: Part 2 Taking Action, Sponsored by the Labor Caucus and the Peace Caucus (Oral)
4332.0The Commercial Sector and Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4333.0The Reproductive Health of Minority Populations in the United States (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4340.0Deformation and Dialectics in U.S Prison Health Care (Oral)
4342.0Maternal and Child Health Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
8:30 PM-10:00 PM Tue
4344.0Quit or Die: Cross Cutting Issues in Cessation (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
4349.0Making Healthy Choices for Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

8:30 AM-9:30 AM Wed
5003.0The Faith Communities, Social Justice and Health Disparities (Poster)
5004.0Commonalities and Differences in the Experiences of Diverse Immigrant Populations in the US, including those from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe (Poster)
5013.0HIV/AIDS, Children, And Adolescents (Poster)
5014.0HIV/AIDS Among Latino and Hispanic Communities In The U.S (Poster)
5015.0HIV/AIDS: A Focus On Africa (Poster)
5021.0Factors Affecting Infant Health (Poster)
5023.0Topics in Breastfeeding and Maternal Child Health (Poster)
5024.0Topics in Maternal Child Health (Poster)
8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wed
5027.0Helping States and Communities Breathe Easier: Different Perspectives on Passing and Implementing Clean Indoor Air Legislation (Roundtable)
5028.0Latino Youth Across America: Patterns of Alcohol Use (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5031.1Everything Your Mother Told You Not to Talk About at the Dinner Table: Race, Gender and Religious Discrimination as Human Rights Issues (Oral)
5038.0The Right to Breathe:Community Action to Fight Asthma Empowers Communities to Make Policy Change (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5041.1Environmental, Community and Behavioral Approaches to Reduce Diabetes, Obesity and Asthma (Roundtable)
5044.0Strategies and Visions for the Future to Protect Scientific Integrity (Oral)
5047.0Weaving Culture into Nutrition Research and Programs (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5048.0End of Life Issues (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5049.0Workforce Issues for an Aging Society (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5050.0 Immigrant/Migrant Health for Older Adults (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5052.0Advances in Health Disparities Research (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5056.0A Decade of Health Sector Reform: The Legacy of Neoliberalism (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5058.0Globalization and Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5059.0Health Care Worker Migration from Developing Countries: What is Happening and Why it Matters (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5060.0Women's Health: Gender Imbalance and its Impact (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5061.0Drinking and Pregnancy: From Prevention to Management (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5062.0Strategies for Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes in Vulnerable Populations (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5066.0Breast Cancer, the Uninsured, and Emergency Department Utilization (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5068.0Use of Behavioral Health Services and Jails among Persons with Mental Illness (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5069.0Workplace investigation and intervention research: Working with multiple partners without losing your soul (Oral)
5071.0Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5072.0Intention and Contraception (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5074.0Men as Fathers (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5076.0Dealing with Sex in the 21st Century (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5079.0Addressing Issues of Cultural Competency (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5084.0Dealing with Asthma in Schools (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5085.0Social Welfare: Mental Health and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5087.0Breast Cancer Control in the Rural South: Women's and Providers' Perspectives (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
12:30 PM-2:00 PM Wed
5092.0Dialogue of Perspectives on Methamphetamine Challenges and Emerging Issues (Roundtable)
5096.0Reducing Health Disparities through Community-based Public Health: Lessons from the Partnership for the Public's Health Initiative (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5099.0Community Health of Chinese Immigrants to the US (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5102.0Tools for Tracking and Protecting Environmental Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5103.0Advocacy for Improved Air Quality-A Community Environmental Justice Perspective (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5104.0Identifying and Mitigating Localized Air Pollution (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5115.0Understanding HIV/AIDS Medication Adherence (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5118.0UNITY: A National Violence Prevention Strategy (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5120.0Latino Youth Gangs and Issues (Roundtable)
5122.0Disparities in Pregnancy Outcomes and Access To Care: A Human Rights Issue (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5123.0Quality of Life for Women: Responses to Lifecourse Events and Disasters (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5124.0Prevention Strategies for Improved Mother and Child Outcomes (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5125.0Curtailing the Risk of Chronic Disease among Adolescents (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5126.0Health Services Research: Quality of Care and Patient Satisfaction (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5128.0Coercion and Diversion in Mental Health Treatment (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5129.0Trauma and Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5130.0Healthcare Worker Health and Safety (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5131.0Global Perspectives in Occupational Health and Safety (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5133.0Building Peace: Initiatives and Education (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5134.0Public Health Aspects of Second Trimester Abortion Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5135.0Access and the Right to Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5135.1Adolescent Contraceptive Use (Roundtable)
5136.0Utilizing Communities to Further Health Education (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5142.0Vulnerability and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5147.0Health Disparities among Minority Women (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
2:30 PM-4:00 PM Wed
5151.2Environmental Health and Community Based Participatory Research (Oral)
5152.0Community Health Planning and Regulation: Operationalizing a Communitarian Ethic (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5153.0Partnerships between Physicians and Community Organizations for Health and Social Policy Change (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5155.0Community-based Approaches to Reducing Health Disparities among African Americans and HIspanic Americans (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5157.0Right to A Healthy Home (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5158.0Joint Environment and Nutrition Track: The Challenge of Industrial Animal Production: Impacts on the Environment, Consumers, Workers and Human Rights (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5162.0Dietary Risk Factors for the Development of Chronic Disease (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5163.0Minority Health and Intergenerational Exchanges (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5168.0Global Perspectives On Access To AIDS Treatment: The Role Of Trade Agreements And The World Health Organization (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5169.0Reaching Out To Special Groups To Improve HIV and STI Care and Prevention (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5173.0The Impact of Conflict on Health Systems (Panel Discussion)[ Recorded presentation ]
5174.0Perspectives on Child and Newborn Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5176.0Breastfeeding in 2006: More Important Than Ever (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5177.0Home Visiting: Program Implementation, Monitoring, and Impact Assessment (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5178.0Women's Choices in Childbirth: Access to Care (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5179.0Ethnic and Racial Disparities: The Impact of Culture (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5180.0Health Services Research: Diabetes, Asthma, and Obesity (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5181.0Mental Health and Homelessness (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5182.0Maternal Mental Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5183.0Ergonomic Factors and Musculoskeletal Disorders (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5184.0Workers Across the Age Spectrum: Unique Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5186.0Young Men and Reproductive Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5187.0The Right to Become a Parent (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5188.0Community and Clinic: Cultural and Institutional Influences on Gender-Based Violence (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5192.0Social Justice in Public Health (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]
5197.0Finding a Healthy Voice in a World of Choice (Oral)[ Recorded presentation ]

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA