Using a community-led video approach to promote maternal, infant, and young child nutrition in Odisha, India

The goal of the pilot was to test the feasibility of leveraging the Digital Green approach for agriculture to promote maternal, infant and young
child nutrition (MIYCN) related behaviors and care practices including child feeding, care during pregnancy, and handwashing.
As part of the Digital Green approach, a community video production team of four to six individuals in each district creates videos, averaging eight to ten minutes in length, which are screened for small community groups twice a week using battery-operated Pico projectors. The practices promoted through the videos are locally relevant and evidence-based, produced in the regional language. The casts of the short videos include local community members, thus ensuring the viewers’ instant connection with the messaging. The video content is reviewed by subject matter experts before being finalized for screening. A trained village resource person mediates a discussion around the video screenings by pausing, rewinding, asking questions, and responding to feedback. Regular verification visits are scheduled for measuring the effects of the screenings on adoption of actual practices.
During the intervention, 10 locally produced MIYCN-focused videos were developed and screened in bi-weekly self-help group (SHG) meetings as part of an ongoing Digital Green-VARRAT agriculture program.
The intervention showed promising results; the video-enabled learning approach was effective in disseminating information and the videos are
perceived as one of the key sources of nutrition-related information within the communities. The demand for videos is high and acceptability of the intervention by SHG members and their families as well as the frontline health workers is strong. The frontline workers view the intervention as complementary to their role.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationCommunication and informatics
Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate impact of a community-led video-enabled learning approach on health and nutrition behaviours
Keyword(s): Communication and informatics, Advocacy for health and health education
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Digital Green, an independent, not-for-profit organization that uses an innovative digital platform for community engagement to improve livelihoods of rural communities across South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. I have more than seven years of experience leading the development of innovative ICT tools, such as a video-enabled learning platform, to expand effectiveness of agricultural technology by reaching more people through low-cost sustainable solutions.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.