141st APHA Annual Meeting

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Showcasing Sacredness of Place: Environmental Public Health Priorities in Indian Country

Monday, November 4, 2013: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
In FY 2011, the Office of Tribal Affairs (OTA) for CDC's National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) and the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry’s (ATSDR) convened a National Tribal Environmental Health (NTEH) Think Tank, comprised of 14 Tribal professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience in the environmental field. With administrative support from APHA, this Think Tank has lent their collective expertise to characterize priority environmental public health issues facing Tribes, bring visibility to these issues, offer actionable recommendations for NCEH/ATSDR leadership on how best to collaborate and engage with Tribes, and develop a direction for more effective engagement. Collectively, these actions have created a foundation for future Tribal-related, internal and external partnerships and collaborations.
Session Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of "Sacredness of Place" through the use of digital technology. Share best and promising practices relating to Tribal engagement and collaboration, using the National Tribal Environmental Health (NTEH) Think Tank as an example. Identify priority environmental health issues facing Tribes

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Organized by: APHA

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