141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Victoria H. Raveis, PhD

Research Professor and Director
New York University
Psychosocial Research Unit on Health, Aging and the Community
380 2nd Avenue, Suite 301
New York, NY
USA 10010

Biographical Sketch:
Victoria H. Raveis, Ph.D. Dr. Victoria H. Raveis is a Research Professor at New York University and the Director of the Psychosocial Research Unit on Health, Aging, and the Community at the school. She is an experienced behavioral health researcher, her work has been funded by the NCI, NIMH, NINR, NIA, HRSA, DOD, NYS Dept. of Health and various foundations. Dr. Raveis� research agenda is focused on the psychological, social and practical issues surrounding adaptation to illness, surviving illness, being at risk and the exploration of preventative health behaviors, focusing on public health policy and practice implications that inform the development of services and programs for patients and their family. She has been involved in efforts to develop and implement evidence-based, culturally-sensitive palliative and hospice programs and supportive services for vulnerable and medically underserved populations. Dr. Raveis has extensive research expertise in psychosocial oncology and HIV/AIDS, specifically in the area of family caregiving, family functioning during diagnosis, treatment and survivorship, living with disease risk, end-of-life treatment decision-making, and palliative services with medically underserved groups. She has examined the psychological, social and practical issues facing patients who are seriously-ill or dying. Her investigations have demonstrated the importance of focusing on the dynamics and diversity of the family care situation, as well as attending to the broader social and cultural context within which informal support and assistance is being provided. She has published on the role of psychosocial factors in treatment compliance, barriers to health services and end-of-life care in medically underserved populations as well as attitudes towards medical care in ethnically diverse populations. She also has extensive research experience in the area of health services research, family-focused chronic disease management, and patient-provider health communication.

2055.0 Piloting a community-based intervention for caregivers of Korean American cancer survivorship 2056.0 Marhaba: Key informant interview findings from a study of breast and cervical cancer screening barriers and facilitators among muslim women in New York city 4256.3 Reducing the risk of falls in community-dwelling elderly with dementia