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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Health insurance, access, and utilization among Social Security Disability Insurance beneficiaries in the 24-month waiting period for Medicare: Findings from NHIS, Social Security, and Medicare linked records

Gerald Riley, MSPH, Office of Research, Development, and Information, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Blvd, Room C3-20-17, Baltimore, MD 21244, 410-786-6699, gerald.riley@cms.hhs.gov

For most Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries, Medicare entitlement begins 24 months after the date of SSDI entitlement. Many may experience poor access to health care during the 24-month waiting period because of a lack of insurance. National Health Interview Survey data for 1994-1996 were linked to Social Security and Medicare administrative records to examine health insurance status and access to care during the Medicare waiting period. Twenty-six percent of SSDI beneficiaries reported having no health insurance, with the uninsured reporting many more problems with access to care than insured individuals. Access to health insurance is especially important for persons in the waiting period because of their low incomes, poor health, and weak ties to the workforce.

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    [ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

    Record linkage for epidemiologic research: New opportunities and new challenges

    The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA