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Session: Comparing for Action: The United Health State Health Rankings
3245.1: Monday, November 8, 2004: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Comparing for Action: The United Health State Health Rankings
The State Health Rankings (SHR) have been useful as foundations for news stories and raising awareness of health issues and population health status on at a state level. Over the years, some individual states have begun to develop their own adaptations of the SHR and to use the information to either guide or to stimulate changes in policies and to promote behavioral changes to improve health. A Methods group has been convened over the past three years to discuss the indicators used in the SHR report. This year’s focus was on a call to action. While some states have been very proactive, others are seeking guidance on how to either adapt the SHR materials or to use it to guide their own work. The goals of this session are to review the history and methodology of the State Health Rankings and how it can be used to stimulate change in health policies and health behaviors.
Learning Objectives: To familiarize the audience with the UnitedHealth State Health Rankings, its background, development and statistical properties. To teach how the State Health Rankings can be used to stimulate change in health policies and health behaviors. To describe how responses to the SHR can be used to develop public health leadership skills.
Moderator(s):Thomas Ricketts, PhD, MPH
2:30 PMHistory and development of the state heatlh rankings  [ Recorded presentation ]
Thomas Eckstein, Principal
2:48 PMMoving from perception to action in the state health rankings  [ Recorded presentation ]
Susan Zelt, MBA, MPH, Thomas Ricketts, PhD, MPH
3:06 PMResponding at the state level: What do you do with a rank?  [ Recorded presentation ]
Patrick Remington, MD, MPH, Paul Peppard, PhD, David A. Kindig, MD, PhD
3:24 PMValue of common ground: Matching and applying measures of health and well being for the nation's cities and suburbs with state health rankings  [ Recorded presentation ]
Dennis P. Andrulis, PhD
3:42 PMState health rankings as a tool for leadership training in the National Public Health Leadership Institute (PHLI)  [ Recorded presentation ]
David Steffen, Sharon Howard, BA, MSW
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:APHA
CE Credits:Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA