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Session: Social Justice, Data, Discrimination, and Social Inequalities in Health
3300.0: Monday, November 8, 2004: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Social Justice, Data, Discrimination, and Social Inequalities in Health
The purpose of this session is to recognize the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Spirit of 1848 by focusing on issues addressed in our first 2 sessions, held in 1994: (a) �Discrimination: a risk factor for health status? � a look across the lines of color, class, gender, and sexual identity,� and (b) �Social inequalities in health: measures and trends.� Invited presentations will focus on advances and setbacks in during the past decade (1994-2004) regarding frameworks, concepts, methods, and evidence pertaining to analysis of social inequalities in health, overall and in relation to racial discrimination, sexuality & anti-LGBT discrimination, plus area effects and health.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) in this session will be able to: 1)identify progress and setbacks in research during the past decade (1994-2004) regarding frameworks, concepts, and controversies regarding research on social inequalities in health; (2) identify progress and setbacks in research during the past decade regarding concepts, methods, and evidence on racial/ethnic discrimination and health; (3) identify progress and setbacks in research during the past decade regarding concepts, methods, and evidence on sexuality and anti-LGBT discrimination and health; and (4) identify progress and setbacks in research during the past decade regarding concepts, methods and evidence on multilevel approaches to studying relationships between characteristics of areas and health.
Organizer(s):Catherine Cubbin, PhD
Moderator(s):Catherine Cubbin, PhD
2:30 PMIntroduction
Catherine Cubbin, PhD
2:35 PMSocial Justice, Data, Discrimination, and Social Inequalities in Health: The 1st Decade of The Spirit of 1848
Nancy Krieger, PhD
2:45 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Linda Burhansstipanov, MPH, DrPH
2:50 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Ilan Meyer, PhD
2:55 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
David Williams, PhD
3:00 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health  [ Recorded presentation ]
Catherine Cubbin, PhD
3:05 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Hortensia Amaro, PhD
3:10 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Vickie M. Mays, PhD, MSPH
3:15 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Shobha Srinivasan, PHD
3:20 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Paula Braveman, MD, MPH
3:25 PMCritical reflections on research linking social justice and public health
Nancy Krieger, PhD
3:30 PMCritical questions for advancing research & action on social disparities in health
Catherine Cubbin, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Spirit of 1848 Caucus
CE Credits:Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA