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Constantine P. Kokkoris, Attorney at Law, 225 Broadway, Suite 612, New York, NY 10007, 212-349-9340, cpk@kokkorislaw.com
Lawsuit filed in January 2004 by Vietnamese nationals against manufacturers of Agent Orange under the Alien Tort Claims Act alleging that the use of the herbicide during the Vietnam War violated international law and seeking compensation for personal injuries and court ordered clean up of contaminated areas in Vietnam. Case has been consolidated for discovery purposes with the pending cases of US veterans before Judge Weinstein, to whom all Agent Orange cases are transferred pursuant to an administrative court order, because a recent decision of the US Supreme Court has allowed US veterans who have recently manifested injuries alleged to be caused by Agent Orange to sue, notwithstanding the class settlement on behalf of US veterans which was reached in 1984.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Agent Orange, Vietnam
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: I am an attorney representing the Vietnamese plaintiffs,