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Jana Sczersputowski, BA, Educational Message Services, Inc., 2300 Alessandro Drive, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93001, 805.653.6000, jana@educationalmessageservices.com and Tom Evans, Educational Message Services, 2300 Alessandro Drive, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93001.
Breastfeeding rates in Riverside County, as evidenced by WIC Centers providing services to mainly Latino, poverty level clientele, show rates below Healthy People 2010 goals. The County of Riverside, Health Services Agency, Department of Public Health Services implemented a social marketing program reaching women and families least likely to breastfeed, encouraging dialog between women and healthcare providers surrounding health benefits and advantages of breastfeeding for newborns and mothers.
Program materials were installed in healthcare provider offices in accordance with Narrowcast methodology utilizing “public private places” to reach priority populations. Alone in these settings, members of priority populations are uniquely receptive to preventative educational information. Materials, two messages and one take-away brochure, were developed in English and Spanish.
The evaluation conducted by County of Riverside Health Services Agency evidenced positive healthcare provider response: 73.1% rated displays very effective (scores >8 on a ten point Likert scale) in providing useful information to patients, while 50.7% felt the display was very effective in increasing patient-provider dialog. Data indicates increased patient request for breastfeeding information with 27.7% of providers reporting 80-90% of patients asking about breastfeeding (compared to 8.6% baseline). In addition, 55.1% of providers referred patients to the Riverside County Department of Health for breastfeeding support, compared to 2.9% baseline.
At a cost of $51, 375, the program reached 17,540 individuals. Over 21,100 take-away brochures were distributed during the program via 310 displays located throughout 75 venues. Findings and outcomes were confirmed when similar program materials and methodologies were applied Ventura County program.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Breast Feeding, Public Health Education and Health Promotion
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: Educational Message Services was subcontracted to by the County of Riverside, Health Services Agency, Department of Public Health Services with respect to the development and implementation of social marketing components.