4284.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Poster Session

International Health Posters II

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Board 1BABIES: An adaptable tool for managing newborn health programs
Brian J McCarthy, MD, Joy E. Lawn, BS MPH MRCP, Susan Rae Ross, RCN MPH
Board 2A new cry for global newborn health: a review of global data emphasizing the increasing policy importance of neonatal mortality
Joy E Lawn, BM BS MPH MRCP, Susan Rae Ross, RCN MPH, Brian J McCarthy, MD
Board 3Child health among the poorest quintile in developing countries : Evidence of double ill-health traps
Keiichi Hayashi, MD, MPH, Ichiro Kawachi, MD, PhD
Board 4Effectiveness of traditional birth attendants
Lynn M. Sibley, CNM, PhD
Board 5Food Security, Gender Inequity and Women's Health: Women Food Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Adnan A. Hyder, MD, MPH, PhD, Noreen B. Teoh, MPH, Dana M. Sleicher, MAL, MPH
Board 6Impact of a Diarrheal Disease Control Program in India
Bikash Verma, DVM, MSc, MS, Pramila Vivek, MPH, MEd, MA, Sharmeen Irani, MSW, MPH, Oscar Padjen, AIA, Vijay Kumar, MD, Bipin Verma, PhD, Hariraj Mishra, PhD
Board 7Improving Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Family and Community Practices in the Americas: The American Red Cross and Pan American Health Organization
R. Matthew Chico, MPH, Christopher J. Drasbek, MPH
Board 8Learning through entertainment: An effective strategy to promote healthy behaviors
Alejandro Vargas, RN, Luis Tam, MD, DrPH, Luis Espejo, MD, MPH, Jenny Milla, RN, Rosario Vargas, MBA, Luz Mendoza, RN, Silvia Valderrama, RN
Board 9Under the Green Umbrella: Using television drama to encourage families to use the Greem Umbrella clinics for their health needs
Edson E. Whitney, Mohammad Shahjahan, D. Lawrence Kincaid, PhD, Esta de Fossard, Carol Haddaway
Board 10Verbal Autopsies: Community Based Interventions for Reducing Maternal Mortality
Johri Lovleen, Y.P. Gupta
Sponsor:International Health
CE Credits:CME, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA