4284.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - Board 1

Abstract #21052

BABIES: An adaptable tool for managing newborn health programs

Brian J McCarthy, MD1, Joy E. Lawn, BS MPH MRCP1, and Susan Rae Ross, RCN MPH2. (1) WHO/CC/Activity, DRH/NCCDPHP, CDC, , bjm1@cdc.gov, (2) CARE

The worldwide excessive newborn mortality deserves further attention. The BABIES ( Birthweight group and Age-at-death Boxes for an Intervention and Evaluation System) matrix combines two concepts in a simple, but powerful tool for information for intervention (IFI) which can be used to link the management cycle and the components of the health care delivery system with interventions. BABIES arranges birthweight group and age-at-death into an adaptable number of boxes derived from the two variable matrix. These boxes are grouped by intervention categories to assist program managers in deciding whether they have chosen the right thing to do, and whether they are doing those things right. This arrangement enables and empowers all levels of the HCDS to develop an evaluation system.

BABIES is a population-based tool which starts at the community level. Data are collected and used in the village, at the district health office by program managers, and by senior MOH/MCH personnel. At the village level, BABIES accounts for all pregnant women and newborns. At the district health level, BABIES uses two indicators calculated from the matrix to identify the opportunities to reduce the ENM (gaps). At the MOH level, these "opportunity gaps" are described by making BABIES comparisons in time, place, and person. These comparisons enable them to make important decisions regarding policy, the choice of large-scale interventions, training, and resource allocations. We will demonstrate how to use BABIES and how to link BABIES to other data to establish a complete maternal and newborn health indicator system for IFI.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant will be able to: 1. Use two pieces of data to determine what intervention package will yield the best results for reducing excessive newborn mortality. 2.Use two indicators to determine where to focus to improve quality of care 3.Link other indicators with the BABIES matrix to establish a more complete indicator system.

Keywords: Birth Outcomes,

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA