Our Right to Healthcare

A monitoring visit by Oxfam Nepal, just 3 months after the participatory video training, showed some important results from the community and district-level screenings. In all three districts the videos have catalysed successful campaigns that show results!
In Banke the local Community Forestry Committee, with powers to distribute funds provided by the National Park, has agreed to pay for lab equipment for the health post. With help from the MRMV team, locals are now lobbying for a lab assistant to be employed to run the new laboratory.
In Surkhet the impact of the video has surpassed all expectations...not only was the local Village Development Committee (VDC) persuaded to buy a solar panel and light for their local health post, but the young people behind the video also campaigned for 5 District Health Posts in the region to get solar lights thanks to funding help of the community radio station.
The Dailekh group tackled a very complex issue which affects the entire country; and probably can't be solved in the immediate short term. However they also have reason to be very proud of their achievements. Following a screening, the District Parliamentarian, who was not very aware of the issue, has been questioning local government officials as to why the availability of free medicines was not raised earlier. He has also committed to raise the issue for national debate in parliament in Kathmandu.
Community screenings are such a vital part of the PV process! This is the means to engage stakeholders and decision makers and make change happen . It is also a space for reflection by the community on the issues that matter most to them; it is their chance to see and hear one another in new ways and to unlock the solutions and ideas to support locally-led change. Insightshare's recent publication is a great resource guide on Community Screenings for Participatory Video.
This short film includes highlights from the 3 films produced, and should be screened as an introduction to Journey Towards Light, submitted separately.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationAssessment of individual and community needs for health education
Communication and informatics
Diversity and culture
Ethics, professional and legal requirements
Learning Objectives:
Identify local solutions to critical health issues facing rural communities in Nepal.
Describe how a participatory video process can amplify excluded voices and become a catalyst for positive change.
Name a key impact achieved by local youth film makers in terms of solar panels installed on more than 5 local health posts, directly reducing the dangers of giving birth at night without suitable light.
Keyword(s): Advocacy for health and health education
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am qualified to be video Author on content I am responsible for because I am the Director and Founder of the organisation InsightShare whch carried out the project in Nepal for Oxfam. I was Lead Trainer on the project in Nepal, and have remained in contact with local partners and participants who informed me of the impacts of the video to date. Project presented recently by participants at a webgathering organised with Open University.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.