Love your child. Provide a helmet

Background: In Vietnam, child helmet use has remained significantly lower than adult helmet use since the helmet law was enforced in 2007. Aimed to address this issue, in 2011, AIP Foundation, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), and National Traffic Safety Committee conducted a public awareness campaign to increase the child helmet wearing rate in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Danang.
From 2011-2013, AIP Foundation and its partners developed and implemented a comprehensive campaign, including communications, enforcement, and capacity building, and incentives for change to increase helmet use among children in Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Child helmet use across the three cities increased from 18% in March 2011 to 38% in March 2014, and significant changes were recorded in parents’ knowledge and attitude about the importance of putting a helmet on a child. The campaign results also provided evidence for AIP Foundation to successfully advocate the Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) to issue a National Child Helmet Action Plan for all 63 provinces during 2015. The TVC, supported this campaign which contributed to an average helmet wearing rate increase from 38% across the three target cities in March 2014 to 68% in April 2015.
TV Commercial Synopsis: The commercial shows that parents can make dangerous safety mistakes due to inattentiveness or lack of concern, and reminds parents that they are responsible for caring for their children and therefore must put a helmet on them.
Target Audience: Primary audience will be parents, with the secondary audience being children.
Target Geography: Major cities of Hanoi, HCMC, and Danang.
Current attitude: Non-helmet use still remains very accepted by parents and the society.
A study conducted by AIP Foundation in 2011 revealed that parents have many misunderstandings and myths about child helmet use. The main 5 myths include:
- Crashes don’t happen on short trips
- Helmets for children are too expensive and I don’t know if they are of high quality
- It takes too long to put a helmet on my child
- I am an excellent driver so I will not be in a crash
- Helmets are too heavy and will hurt my child’s head and neck
Parent behavior study outcomes:
A survey and two parent focus groups was conducted to find out what type of communication tones influenced parents’ feelings and would lead to changing parents’ behaviors. Eight different communication tones were studied.
The result of the parent behavior study showed that most parents will change their behavior if the communication campaign addressed:
- Peace of mind and relief- removal of anxiety, risks and tension to not comply. Child helmet use is a necessary action to avoid worrying about head injury, fatalities or police infringements.
- Fear and anxiety- about the possibility of being fined, the loss or serious injury of a loved one, personal injury, loss of license, loss of freedom, social isolation, and incarceration.
Key campaign message:
- Not putting a helmet on your child is socially unacceptable. (A parent's love for their child means that should care for them properly, including helmet use.)
- Avoid getting fined. The government is increasingly stopping and fining parents.
What do we want the audience to feel?
If parents do not make sure their children wear helmets, they should feel socially unacceptable. Parents who do not make their children wear helmets are irresponsible, uncaring, and will be stopped and fined by the police.
Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health educationCommunication and informatics
Public health or related education
Public health or related laws, regulations, standards, or guidelines
Social and behavioral sciences
Learning Objectives:
Identify the indifference parents face regarding child helmet use in Vietnam.
Assess the importance of child helmet use.
Keyword(s): Communication and informatics
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am involving in the concept development and testing. I provided key recommendations based on the data collected for using the right concepts for TVC development
Any relevant financial relationships? No
I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.