142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition

Annual Meeting Recordings are now available for purchase

Development of an HIV, STD, and teen pregnancy-focused motion comic for young people: Why and how?

142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15 - November 19, 2014): http://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual
Wednesday, November 19, 2014: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
HIV infection, STDs and pregnancy continue to affect young people disproportionately. The excess burden of these conditions in this vulnerable group may be caused by lack of accurate HIV/STD-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behavioral intentions (KABI) regarding HIV/STD prevention. This suggests that existing methods of prevention communication, such as public service announcements and other forms of traditional media, may be inadequate for young persons today. Furthermore, traditional health communication campaigns can be expensive, become quickly dated, are difficult to scale up, and lack entertainment value for the target population. Novel means of communicating health messages that take advantage of new media need exploration, especially media suited to and heavily used by today’s adolescent and young adult audiences. We used entertainment-education principles to create an engaging “motion comic” that instills KABI consistent with HIV, STD, and teen pregnancy prevention. A motion comic is a low-cost, revisable, scalable, and innovative digital health communication intervention. The proposed panel will have two purposes. First, in two presentations, we will explain why we chose to use motion comics as a means of educating young people about how they can address critical reproductive and sexual health issues to achieve and maintain optimal reproductive and sexual health. Second, in two presentations, we will explain the research processes and techniques used to create the motion comic intervention. Portions of our motion comic intervention will be screened to demonstrate the result of our efforts.
Madeline Sutton, MD, MPH

Why we should use motion comics to educate adolescents on reproductive health
Sophia Nur, PhD, MA, Leigh A. Willis, PhD, MPH, Rachel Kachur, MPH, Pilgrim Spikes, PhD, MPH, MSW, Ted Castellanos, MPH and Zaneta Gaul, MSPH
Using Motion Comics to address health literacy among young people
Rachel Kachur, MPH, Pilgrim Spikes, PhD, MPH, MSW, Zaneta Gaul, MSPH, Ted Castellanos, MPH, Sophia Nur and Leigh Willis, PhD
Successes and Challenges Recruiting Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Adolescents for an HIV/STI- Focused Motion Comic Study
Pilgrim Spikes, PhD, MPH, MSW, Ted Castellanos, MPH, Rachel Kachur, MPH, Sophia Nur, Zaneta Gaul, MSPH and Leigh Willis, PhD
From idea to proof of concept: How to create an impactful HIV/STD/teen pregnancy-focused motion comic for young people
Leigh A. Willis, PhD, MPH, Rachel Kachur, MPH, Ted Castellanos, MPH, Zaneta Gaul, MSPH, Pilgrim Spikes, PhD, MPH, MSW, Ashley Gamayo, MPH, Marcus Durham, Sandra Jones, PhD, RN, Colleen Staatz, MPH, Kristen Nichols, MPH, Hadiza Buge, MPH, Sophia Nur, PhD, MA, Matthew Hogben, PhD, Susan Robinson, MA, John Brooks, MD, MPH and Madeline Sutton, MD, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Population, Reproductive and Sexual Health
Endorsed by: HIV/AIDS, Women's Caucus

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)