Graduation Trends in Public Health Over the Past Two Decades

In 1992, ASPPH member schools graduated 3,845 students in public health, with an additional 636 conferrals coming from non-members. In 2012, ASPPH members reported conferring 9,434 graduate degrees in public health, with an additional 6,115 coming from non-members. This demonstrates a dramatic increase in the number of students graduating with degrees in public health. We also report conferrals by accreditation status, program type, gender, race/ethnicity, and degree type.
With almost 15,500 graduate public health degrees conferred in 2012, the need to understand where alumni are employed is needed. Further research is needed to identify to what extent graduates are electing to enter the governmental public health workforce, versus seeking employment in other sectors.
Learning Areas:
Public health or related educationPublic health or related research
Learning Objectives:
Describe trends in the number of masters and doctoral students that graduate each year with public health degrees.
Identify data sources for assessing the number of public health graduate students.
Differentiate between different types of institutions that offer graduate degrees in public health.
Keyword(s): Research, Workforce
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am the Director of Data Analytics at the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health and manage all of our data collection and research activities. I worked closely with our research partners on this project.
Any relevant financial relationships? No
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