142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition

Annual Meeting Recordings are now available for purchase

Viewing population focused assessment from a constructive developmental standpoint

142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15 - November 19, 2014): http://www.apha.org/events-and-meetings/annual
Monday, November 17, 2014

Christine Saltzberg, PhD, MS, PHCNS-BC, RN , Department of Nursing, University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, MI
Intentionally incorporating a constructive developmental approach to public health nursing education facilitates student transformation toward the more complex and mature reasoning required for public health nursing practice.   Additionally, taking a constructive developmental approach more closely aligns the educational process with the goals of higher education and with the program outcomes required by accrediting bodies, and strengthens student preparation for more advanced education in public health.  By focusing on one core public health function, this session examines the nature of population focused assessment from a constructive developmental standpoint, makes explicit the developmental challenges inherent to the assessment process, and explores effective strategies for cultivating such a developmental approach in public health nursing education.  This session also affords participants the opportunity to discuss the implications for faculty preparation to teach public health nursing.

Learning Areas:

Public health or related education
Public health or related nursing

Learning Objectives:
Describe one strategy for cultivating a constructive developmental approach to public health nursing education.

Keyword(s): Nursing Education, Professional Development

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have a PhD in Education, and a MS in Public Health Nursing. I am ANCC Board Certified as a Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, and have taught Public Health Nursing at the undergraduate and graduate levels since 1991. My program of research focuses on adult development in the nursing profession from a constructive developmental standpoint.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.