141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Influences on early child development

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
This session includes information about: 1) relationship power, equity, and violence in relation to child outcomes; 2) infant health and neurobehavioral outcomes; 3) the use of play to deal with medical trauma in childhood; and 4) health outcomes related to a park prescription program.
Session Objectives: Explain family and societal influences on young children's health outcomes. Describe the benefits of play in children's dealing with medical trauma
Kimberly Arcoleo, PhD, MPH , Lesley A. Cottrell, PhD , Marianne Hillemeier, PhD, MPH and Ruth Perou, PhD

Evaluating television food advertisements during peak children's viewing times
Melissa Vilaro, MPH, CPH, Tracey E. Barnett, PhD and Anna Corona, BS
Children and siblings use of play to work through medical trauma
Laura Nabors, PhD, Kenneth Woodson, MPH, Jenny Bartz, BA, Rebecca Elkins, Graduate Assistant, MA and Rebecca Sievers, graduate student
Relationship power, equity, and violence in relation to child outcomes
Crystal Gibson, Tamora Callands and Trace Kershaw
Infant health and neurobehavioral outcomes in childhood
Pinka Chatterji, PhD, Dohyung Kim and Kajal Lahiri, Ph.D.

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health