141st APHA Annual Meeting

In This section

Substance Abuse

Monday, November 4, 2013: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Board 1
Mixing alcohol with energy drinks: Using the theory of planned behavior to examine its use among undergraduate students
Supriya G. Reddy, PhD, MPH, Stuart Usdan, PhD, Jen Nickelson, PhD, RD, James Leeper, PhD and Joseph Schumacher, PhD
Board 3
Educational impacts of an alcohol education program for college freshmen
Silas Pearman, DrPH and Tayla Howard, BS Candidate
Board 4
Since when is binge drinking healthy? Examining the discrepancies between binge drinking and importance of health to first year fraternity and sorority pledges
Sarah Rush, BS, MA, Christine Hackman, BS, MA, Hannah Priest, BS, MAED, Stuart Usdan, PhD, Meg E. Sheppard, PhD, CHES, Laura L. Talbott, PhD, CHES and M. Ren�e Umstattd Meyer, PhD, MCHES
Board 5
Board 7
Beliefs about tobacco policies at substance abuse centers: Does smoking status influence acceptance?
Christina Proctor, MPH, Jessica Legge Muilenburg, PhD, Jessie Barnett, MPH, Keriann M. Conway, MPH and Lillian Eby, PhD
Board 8
Knowing those who help others: Characteristics of substance abuse counselors across the United States
Jessie Barnett, MPH, Christina Proctor, MPH, Keriann M. Conway, MPH, Jessica Legge Muilenburg, PhD and Lillian Eby, PhD
Board 9
Examining counselor training and knowledge of evidence based treatments for smoking cessation
Christina Proctor, MPH, Jessie Barnett, MPH, Jessica Legge Muilenburg, PhD, Keriann M. Conway, MPH and Lillian Eby, PhD
Board 10
How much accessibility do patients in substance abuse treatment centers really have of pharmacological and behavioral treatments for smoking cessation?
Keriann M. Conway, MPH, Jessica Legge Muilenburg, PhD, Christina Proctor, MPH, Jessie Barnett, MPH and Lillian Eby, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion