Online Program

The Scholarship of CBPR

Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
The purpose of this session is to highlight innovative CBPR projects conducted by former Kellogg Health Scholars. The presentations in this session cover a range of important topics relevant to conducting CBPR that touch on evaluating the reach and participatory nature of health interventions, how community and academic partnerships can work together to develop interventions targeting important issues in their communities, and a process for building academic infrastructure to support CBPR. The content of this session will be relevant for both experienced and emerging scholars and practitioners of CBPR.
Session Objectives: Compare results across projects to identify effective CBPR approaches that may be generalizable to academic researchers, health professionals, community stakeholders and practitioners. Describe how CBPR can be applied to address health care needs, social determinants of health, and HIV prevention in diverse communities. Discuss strategies for building academic capacity to conduct CBPR and engage new community partners.
Janice V. Bowie, PhD, MPH and Chikezie Maduka, PhD

Examining the role of place and community-based participatory research (CBPR) in the development and implementation of health interventions for latinos: A qualitative systematic review   
Barbara Baquero, PhD, MPH, Carolyn Sleeth, B.S., Jason D. Daniel-Ulloa, PhD, MPH, Noe C. Crespo, PhD, MPH, MS and Scott Rhodes, PhD, MPH, CHES
Do lay health advisors effectively improve access to cardiac services among women?   
Lisa Benz Scott, PhD, MS and Shannon Gravely, PhD
Realizing It can happen (R.I.C.H.): Responding to social determinants of health through job training   
Terrinieka Williams, PhD, Shauna St.Clair, MDiv, Christopher Martin, BA, Ashleigh Sterling, Winston Philip, BA and Nan Astone, PhD
Role of faith-based settings in African American adolescent HIV prevention   
Briana Woods-Jaeger, PhD, Linda Riggins, BA, Mamie Carlson, MPH, Tamara Taggart, MPH, PhD, Alexandra Lightfoot, EdD and Melvin Jackson, MSPH
Health equity lab (HEaL): Building academic capacity for CBPR to establish community-academic partnerships   
Briana Woods-Jaeger, PhD, Mamie Carlson, MPH, Dominica Rehbein, BA, Carolyn Sleeth, B.S., Jessica Merma and Barbara Baquero, PhD, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Community-Based Public Health Caucus
Endorsed by: HIV/AIDS, Medical Care