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Session: Systems, Networks, and Tobacco Control Poster Session
4083.0: Tuesday, November 07, 2006: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Systems, Networks, and Tobacco Control Poster Session
Learning Objectives: See individual abstracts
Board 1Staging hospitalized smokers
Rakhi Khatri, MD, MPH, Arthur Hoffman, MD, MPH, Janet L. Johnson, PhD, David Goldberg, MD, James O. Prochaska, Megan Mills, PhD
Board 2Employee and consumer response to a smoke-free hospital campus policy *
J. Gary Wheeler, MD, LeaVonne Pulley, PhD, Holly C. Felix, PhD, Zoran Bursac, PhD, Nadia Siddiqui, MPH, M. Kate Stewart, MD, MPH, Glen Mays, PhD, C. Heath Gauss, MS, Jan Richter, EdD
Board 3Systems change: Tobacco control agencies can't do it alone *
Michael J. Renner, JD
Board 4Promoting tobacco dependence treatment in diverse healthcare systems through smokefree grounds policies *
Michael D. Seserman, MPH, RD
Board 5Smoking cessation and medical care use/costs in a large HMO *
Hai-Yen Sung, PhD, Wendy Max, PhD, Lue-Yen Tucker, Nancy Gordon, ScD, Thomas Ray, Dorothy Rice, ScD
Board 6Integration of tobacco cessation into substance abuse treatment settings
Danielle W. Toussaint, PhD, Meredith Silverstein, PhD, Ellen Brown, PhD, Bill Wendt, JD, Erik Stone, MS
Board 7Building state capacity: The Tobacco Control Network *
Jessica S. Lowy, MPH, CHES, Diane Beeson
Board 8Getting the word out: A comparison of methods for disseminating research findings *
Ryan C. Burke, MPH, Nancy B. Mueller, MPH, Jenine K. Harris, MA, MAT, Tanya P. Montgomery, MPH
Board 9Where in the world are our evaluation results? Using the web to disseminate research findings
Jenine K. Harris, MA, MAT, Rachael Zuckerman, Ryan C. Burke, BS, Stephanie Herbers, MPH, MSW, Douglas A. Luke, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA