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APHA Scientific Session and Event Listing
Session: Evaluating SmokeLess States to Promote Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
4346.0: Tuesday, November 07, 2006: 8:30 PM-10:00 PM
Evaluating SmokeLess States to Promote Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
Learning Objectives: See Session Abstract
Moderator(s):Frank Chaloupka, PhD
8:30 PM**SESSION ABSTRACT** Evaluating SmokeLess States to promote evidence-based policy and practice
Frank Chaloupka, PhD, Cindy Tworek, PhD, MPH, Catherine Siebel, MA, Carol Schmitt, PhD, Anna Sandoval, MPH
8:31 PMSmokeLess States: Evaluation of policy outcomes and their implications
Frank Chaloupka, PhD, Cindy Tworek, PhD, MPH, Catherine Siebel, MA, Carol Schmitt, PhD, Anna Sandoval, MPH
8:48 PMBroad Strokes, Rich Detail: Quantitative overview and qualitative case studies of newspaper coverage of tobacco policy, 2002-2003
Catherine Siebel, MA, Katherine Clegg Smith, PhD
9:06 PMChanges in tobacco control programs: What we can learn from the Strength of Tobacco Control Index
Carol Schmitt, PhD, Frances Stillman, EdD, William Trochim, PhD, Warren Strauss, ScM
9:24 PMSmokeLess States: Evaluating tobacco legislation to understand policy outcomes
Cindy Tworek, PhD, MPH, Anna Sandoval, MPH, Sandy Slater, PhD, Mecca Thompson, JD, Frank Chaluopka, PhD
9:42 PMSmokeLess States Evaluation: Discussing implications and outcomes related to media, legislation, and SOTC
Frank Chaloupka, PhD, Cindy Tworek, PhD, MPH, Catherine Siebel, MA, Carol Schmitt, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA