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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Social marketing as a cessation strategy

Steven A. Schroeder, MD, University of California, San Francisco, Smoking Cessation Leadership Center, 3333 California Street, Suite 340, San Francisco, CA 94143, 415-502-4515, kkekich@medicine.ucsf.edu

With 45 million Americans still smoking, no tobacco control program is complete without a cessation component. The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at the University of California San Francisco has taken the lead in social marketing for cessation, aiming specifically at clinicians but broadening its focus to include other groups as well with the aim of increasing the number of tobacco users who quit. Using a classic social marketing model, the Center has engaged an array of partners to encourage quitting, especially by promoting the national quitline number, 1-800 QUIT NOW. Through the use of a special marketing card, many groups have enlisted as social marketers for cessation. Whole communities, such as Los Angeles County with its 1.1 million smokers, have launched marketing initiatives, and additional targeted approaches have zeroed in on hotbeds of tobacco use such as NASCAR. Overall, many new recruits are serving as tobacco interventionists.

By the end of this session, participants will understand the elements of social marketing for cessation, will learn to apply these to their own setting, will understand how to acquire and distribute the blue card, will be familiar with place-based cessation summit models, will know about Ask-Advise-Refer as a shared Five A's approach, and will learn about unique targeted marketing experiences.

Learning Objectives:

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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Social Marketing as a Cessation Strategy

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA