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APHA Scientific Session and Event Listing

Regulation of research and protection of human subjects: A viewpoint from a public health investigator and epidemiologist

Stanley Weiss, MD, Department of Preventive Medicine & Community Health / Epidemiology, UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School & New Jersey School of Public Health, 30 Bergen St, Bldg 16, Suite ADMC 1614, Newark, NJ 07107-3000, 9739727716, weiss@umdnj.edu

This presentation will assess the implications of including a public health focus into the deliberations concerning the bioethical frameworks for ethical research, and how that relates to a need to re-think the fundamental bases of current federal regulatory structure. Limitations related to the standard focus upon the Common Rule, which emphasizes the protection of individual research subjects, will be discussed. Obtaining and analyzing data are essential to the usual practice of public health. For many public health activities, data are systematically collected and analyzed, blurring the distinction between research and non-research. Scientific methodology is used both in non-research and research activities that comprise the practice of public health, so that the distinction as to what is research versus public health practice tends to become semantic and artefactual when the best work is performed.

Learning Objectives:

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Any relevant financial relationships? No

Expanding the Focus of Public Health Research and Ethics

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA