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Hélène Lefevre-Cholay and Idriss Alaoui. JSI/Mother and Infant Health Project, Institutska St.19-V, office 45, Kiev, 01021, Ukraine, +380442781006, hlcholay@jsi.com.ua
BACKGROUND: In 2005 in Ukraine only 2.8 % of GNP are attributed to the healthcare sector. Under- funding is still observed in all health care facilities in Ukraine. Implementing JSI/Mother and Infant Project's (MIHP) evidence-based perinatal technologies lead to considerable cost savings in all Project sites.
METHODS: Review of randomly selected file records in maternities before MIHP and after MIHP implementation period in 3 maternities of Ukraine.
OUTCOMES: Implementation of EBM perinatal technologies reveals significant cost savings because of reduction in supplies and medications' use for maternity services, and decrease in the number of C-sections in maternity hospitals. The survey results show that per-patient expenditures on resources for all deliveries decreased from $29.6 to $9.8 in Lutsk ( 67% drop) and from $58.4 to $11.6 in Donetsk #3 ( 80% drop). The maternity in Kovel experienced a 25% decrease in per patient costs (from $20.2 to $15.0). In 2004, 435,000 births were registered in Ukraine¯ many of these were born in facilities not yet implementing the EBM practices promoted by MIHP and recommended by WHO. By promoting MIHP interventions in all Ukraine could dramatically improve the quality of care for mothers and newborns while simultaneously reducing the cost of health care by approximately $8 million USD per year (assuming a per patient savings of $19).
Learning Objectives:
Related Web page: www.mihp.com.ua
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Any relevant financial relationships? No
The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA