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Local triennial community health assessments: Gauging how far you've come and where you're headed

Susan Joan Hewitt, MS1, Carol Plock, MSW1, Bruce Cooper, MD, MSPH1, Kendra L. Bigsby, MPH1, and James N. Burdine, DrPH2. (1) Assessment, Research and Program Evaluation, Health District of Northern Larimer County, 120 Bristlecone Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524, 970-224-5209, shewitt@healthdistrict.org, (2) Center for Community Health Development, School of Rural Public Health, 1266 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-1266

Four sets of rich community health assessment data have allowed the Health District of Northern Larimer County to assess health-related trends in the community for the purpose of tracking progress as well as planning the direction of existing and future programming. Community health assessments have been performed in Larimer County, Colorado, in 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004.

This session will give a brief overview of the methodology and most recent key findings, and will then focus on how this information can be utilized for assessing progress within the community, program planning, and providing local data for policy advocacy. The surveys were conducted using random-digit-dialing methods along with mailed surveys (mean N = 2,200). Survey topics include mental health, health status, behavioral risk factors, access to care, health insurance, and others. The complete assessment process also included multiple community discussion groups and an estimated comparison of potentially preventable health burdens. Local and national statistics, as well as Healthy People 2010 Goals, are used for comparison purposes and benchmarking when applicable.

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[ Recorded presentation ] Recorded presentation

Community Assessment, Planning and Workforce Development

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA