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APHA Scientific Session and Event Listing

Smoking cessation: Dealing with the toughest addiction in your practice

Joane G. Baumer, MD, Department of Family Medicine, John Peter Smith Hospital, Family Health Clinic, 1500 South Main Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104, 817-927-1200, awebb@jpshealth.org

Smoking tobacco has been identified as the major cause of preventable death by the Family Medicine community. Furthermore, smoking cessation was listed as one of three Public Health Practice Guidelines recommended in 1996, with AHQR Smoking Guidelines (2000) requiring that every smoker be offered cessation treatment at every office visit.

Extensive research data culminated in two Type A recommendations from the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (2003): (1) All clinicians should screen all adults for tobacco use and (2) provide tobacco cessation interventions for those who use tobacco products. Both screening and intervention have been shown to be effective strategies. In fact, cessation counseling as brief as three minutes per physician visit can be effective, and more intensive treatment can be even more beneficial.

Research has shown that 70% of smokers want to quit, but only 8% can do so without help. Most smokers have made 7-11 attempts to quit prior to success, and smokers with personal physicians report willingness to work with them. Both counseling and pharmacotherapy are effective smoking cessation strategies. Several counseling approaches will be discussed in this seminar, including the Stages of Change Model. Also, several types of pharmacologic products will be reviewed, including nicotine replacement and craving suppression medications.

A 15 minute training film will simulate longitudinal smoking cessation counseling by a family physician with a continuity patient. Seminar participants will then practice smoking cessation interventions through role playing.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant (learner) in this session will be able to

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Important Issues in Tobacco Control Poster Session IV

The 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition (November 4-8, 2006) of APHA