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Session: National Agenda for the Environment and the Aging: A Case Study on Air Pollution and the Broader Applications
3184.0: Monday, November 8, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
National Agenda for the Environment and the Aging: A Case Study on Air Pollution and the Broader Applications
This symposium will present the development of a National Agenda for the Environment and the Aging by the US EPA and other federal agencies. Examples from issues in air pollution are presented to illustrate the breadth of data needed to address the interaction of health and environmental exposures in older adults. Symposium speakers will discuss the issues specific to older adults in modeling exposure and the health consequences of exposure to air pollution in healthy older adults and in individuals with pre-existing health conditions. The contribution of the economic cost of health effects resulting from exposure to air pollution to our nation's health care spending will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives: Meeting participants will learn about the National Agenda on the Environment and the Aging that is being generated by the US Environmental Protection Agency and our sister agencies. Through the example of air pollution, participants will learn about the breadth of data needed to address the interaction of health and environmental exposures in older adults. They will also learn about specific health consequences of exposure to air pollution in healthy older adults and in individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and about the economic contribution of health effects resulting from exposure to air pollution to our nation's health spending.
Moderator(s):Kathy Sykes, MPA
12:30 PMApplying an environmental public health paradigm to assessing the potential impacts of air pollution on older citizens  [ Recorded presentation ]
Andrew M. Geller, PhD, Hal Zenick, PhD
12:45 PMCharacterization of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Exposures and Sources
Haluk Ozkaynak, PhD
1:00 PMAir pollution particles and respiratory health in the elderly  [ Recorded presentation ]
Andrew J. Ghio, MD
1:15 PMAir pollution and medical care use by older Americans: A cross-area analysis  [ Recorded presentation ]
Victor R. Fuchs, PhD, Sarah Rosen Frank
1:30 PMHealth effects and what we know and can do about air pollution and cardiovascular disease in older adults  [ Recorded presentation ]
Wayne E. Cascio, MD, FACC, FAHA
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Gerontological Health
Endorsed by:Environment; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA