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Session: Substance Abuse Prevention Programs Poster Session
3311.0: Monday, November 8, 2004: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Substance Abuse Prevention Programs Poster Session
Learning Objectives: See individual abstracts.
Board 1Correlates of polydrug use among injection drug users: The role of socioeconomic stress and quality of life
C. Amalia Marrero, MPH, Rafaela R. Robles, EdD, Hector M. Colon, PhD, Juan C. Reyes, EdD, Jos� M. Calder�n, MS, Elizabeth W. Shepard, MPH
Board 2Impact of youth participation in ATOD prevention programming: An evaluation of ATOD prevention in Indiana
Randi J. Alter, MA, Mi Kyung Jun, MPH, E. Lisako Jones-McKyer, PhD, MPH
Board 3Focus group evaluation of a CD-ROM drug abuse prevention program targeting elementary school students
Tara L. West, PhD, Araxi P. Macaulay, EdD, MPH, Elizabeth Gronewold, BA, Samantha J. H. Ritt, BA, Chris Williams, PhD
Board 4Evaluation of the Pennsylvania OxyContin� Intensified Intervention: Impact on drug and services utilization and expenditures
Jose J. Hernandez, RPh, MPH, Diane McNally, BSPharm, MS, Barbara Layne, RN, Linda Simoni-Wastila, PhD, Ilene Zuckerman, PharmD
Board 5Effectiveness of peer mentoring group activity in HIV-affected youths' selection of drug-using peers
Chunki Fong, MS, Steve Magura, PhD, CSW, Andrew Rosenblum, PhD, Chris Norwood, BA, Doris Casella, MEd, Phyllis Curry, BA, Jerome Skinner
Board 6Using research-based substance abuse prevention curriculum: The balance of fidelity in the applied setting
Jessica NJ Kelly, MPH, CHES, Erin E Mitchell, BS, Elizabeth Rink, LCSW, CHES, Michaela Lindahl, MPH, Kaisa Tuominen, BS, BA, Courtney Kowtko, BS
Board 7Providing substance abuse services in the spirit of partnership: Integrating recovering persons into service delivery
Nancy Van DeMark, MSW, Angela Bornemann, MA, Susan Williams
Board 8Denial of substance use during pregnancy and neonatal outcomes: A pilot study
Mary Anne Armstrong, MA, Veronica M. Osejo, BS, Leslie Lieberman, MSW, Bruce F. Folck, Gabriel J. Escobar, MD
Board 9Creating an effective information architecture for health information resources Web sites: A case study of SAMHSA�s Recovery Month redesign
Justin R Dopke, MSIS
Board 10Longitudinal study on the changing patterns and risk / protective factors of substance use among high school students in Taiwan
Ching-Mei Lee, PhD & CHES, Fong-Ching Chang, MEd, Hsiang-Ru Lai, PhD, Pi-Hsia Lee, EdD, Jengtung Chiang, PhD, Wen-Jau Chen, LB
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Endorsed by:School Health Education and Services

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA