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Session: Tobacco Industry Manipulation of Science: New Discoveries from the Tobacco Industry Documents
4104.0: Tuesday, November 9, 2004: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM
Tobacco Industry Manipulation of Science: New Discoveries from the Tobacco Industry Documents
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Organizer(s):Lisa A. Bero, PhD
Moderator(s):Lisa A. Bero, PhD
12:30 PM**SESSION ABSTRACT** Tobacco industry manipulation of science: New discoveries from the tobacco industry documents
Lisa A. Bero, PhD
12:31 PMTobacco industry clinical trials: Questionable treatment of human subjects
Jenny White, MSc, MPH, Mark Parascandola, PhD, MPH, Lisa A. Bero, PhD
12:48 PMToxic taste test: Tobacco companies� use of human subjects
Patricia A. McDaniel, PhD, Gina Solomon, MD, Ruth E. Malone, RN, PhD
1:06 PMTobacco industry�s critique of meta-analysis: Powerful science or flawed tool?
Mi-Kyung Hong, MPH, Lisa A. Bero, PhD
1:24 PMTobacco industry efforts to shape the legislative standards of scientific research
Annamaria Baba, MPH, Daniel M. Cook, PhD, Lisa A. Bero, PhD
1:42 PMIn vivo experiments with sidestream cigarette smoke at Philip Morris Co  [ Recorded presentation ]
Suzaynn F. Schick, PhD, Stanton Glantz, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing

The 132nd Annual Meeting (November 6-10, 2004) of APHA