Anne Wolf, MS, RD, Health Evaluation Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1710 Allied Street, Suite 34, Charlottesville, VA 22903, 434-977-2859, annewolfhsd@earthlink.net
In November 2001, the North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) published the proceedings of a task force (TOOLS) whose charge was to provide evidence-based, valid and feasible outcome measures that clinicians and researchers could use to measure treatment effectiveness of the obese patient. Included in this set were economic outcomes. TOOLS was driven by NAASO's vision that recognizes obesity as a medical condition warranting a systematic approach to identify and intervene on patients and measure outcomes to improve quality of care--an approach that parallels other chronic diseases. NHLBI’s guideline on the assessment and treatment of obesity fulfills the first mandate of this vision (identify persons at risk) and provides some evidence of current treatment efficacy. However, we are at a very early stage of developing treatment options, and the payers of health care are asking for evidence of treatment effectiveness and cost effectiveness before they will pay for treatment. The following presentation will present NAASO’s recommended economic outcomes for obesity. Examples of questions to ascertain economic outcomes will be provided. The results,challenges, and success of a study that measured economic outcomes in the treatment of obesity will be presented as an example for participants to learn from.
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