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Heather Diaz, MPH1, Julie Pham, BS1, and Susanne B. Montgomery, PhD, MPH2. (1) Health Promotion & Education, Loma Linda University School of Public Health, Nichol Hall, Loma Linda, CA 92350, 909 558-8729, HeathDiaz@netscape.net, (2) Department of Health Promotion and Education, School of Public Health, Loma Linda University, Nicol Hall Room 1511, Loma Linda, CA 92350
Service providers working directly with families know that their clients have extensive needs. In a time of dwindling resources, identifying the most pressing needs is of the utmost importance. To better serve the families of children 0-5 in San Bernardino County, the local First 5 Children and Families Commission conducted a countywide systematic strategic planning process in February 2003 that included a comprehensive needs and assets assessment. The assessment aimed to identify needs in four-priority areas: child health, child development, family functioning, and school readiness. Available outcomes data was mapped with Geographical Informational Systems technology, an extensive “Best Practices” literature review was conducted, 800 parent surveys collected and qualitative data used to lend a “voice” in the needs identification process (19 focus groups, 83 key informant interviews, 12 community forums). Results were not entirely surprising: Parents need assistance in being better prepared, expanded health services, appropriate childcare, culturally competent services, comprehensive support systems, recreational opportunities, awareness about services, and increased services for middle income and special needs families. However, the way services are being delivered was of specific concern. Parents feared that relying on the services would prevent them from becoming self-sufficient. Many spoke of a need to be empowered to be the best parents they can be and meet the needs of their families themselves as much as possible. However, institutional and economical barriers prevent them from doing so. Discussion will focus on the importance of empowerment centered service delivery to allow parents to meet their families future needs.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Service Delivery, Child Health
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.