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Forrest G Hartl1, Miguel Chion, MD, MPH2, Edgar M. Garcia1, and Molly M. Jackson1. (1) Educational Theatre Programs, Kaiser Permanente, 815 Colorado Blvd. #103, Los Angeles, CA 90041, 323-259-4531, Forrest.G.Hartl@KP.org, (2) Research and Evaluation Core, AIDS Project Los Angeles, 3550 Wilshire, #300, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Background: Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre Programs(ETP)is addressing the increasing number of new HIV infections among youth ages 18-25 with “Secrets,” a live, interactive program for high school students throughout California. “Secrets” aims to encourage safer choices and increase awareness and knowledge of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. “Secrets” combines behavioral theories with the performing arts to effectively educate its target population regarding HIV/STD prevention. Question and answer sections and informational hotline cards are provided. Methods: Using a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test control group design, data is collected from middle and high schools students throughout California. Survey domains include demographics, HIV/STD knowledge, attitudes, and risk-reducing behavioral intentions. ETP estimates collecting data from 3,000 students for the experimental group and 200 students for the control group from approximately 100 Southern California schools. Data analysis, including frequencies, chi-square and t-test, is performed using SPSS. Results: Preliminary data from the experimental group (N=368) shows a mean age of 14 years old, 52% female. 61% of the students identified themselves as Latino, 12% Caucasian, 7% Asian and 7% African American. There was a statistically significant improvement in HIV/AIDS/STD knowledge (t-test, p<0.001). More than 50% reported better understanding of abstinence, alcohol and substance use, condom use, and needle exchange. 50% stated willingness to discuss information seen in the production with others. 70% rated the show as “good” or “great”. Data will be collected through 2004. Control data findings will be presented. Conclusions: Findings and lessons learned will be presented.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to
Keywords: Education, HIV/AIDS
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: Kaiser Permanente employee