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Kazi A Ahmed, PhD1, Careema Yusuf, MPH1, Roshan Hussain, MPH2, and John Cacciola, PhD3. (1) Johnson, Bassin & Shaw Inc., 8630 Fenton Street 12th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910, 301-495-1080, kahmed@jbs1.com, (2) Johnson, Bassin, & Shaw, Inc., 8630 Fenton Street, 12th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910, (3) 600 Public Ledger Building, DeltaMetrics, 150 South Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3475
Abstract Text: Methods: The data for this presentation comes from a national study called Treatment Outcomes Performance Pilot Studies Enhancement, designed to test the efficacy of a selected number of outcomes variables. This longitudinal study consists of client level data from more than 250 substance abuse treatment providers in 16 States. Baseline data were collected from 24,087 with follow-up data from 8,749 clients. Results: More than 75% of the treatment clients were abstinent at 9-months post admission. Using logistic regression, the study tested the significance of a selected number of variables in explaining the abstinence outcome. There was a greater likelihood of abstinence at follow-up for clients who completed treatment. Outpatient clients were less likely to be abstinent at follow-up than clients from Residential Rehabilitation. Males were less likely to be abstinent. Clients using alcohol immediately prior to admission were less likely to be abstinent at follow. Substance use prior to admission was related to substance use at follow-up. Conclusion: Post treatment abstinence from substance use is a function of a combination of factors including treatment completion, level of care, gender, and use of drugs including alcohol immediately prior to admission. The presentation will address the public health policy implications of the study findings.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Substance Abuse, Treatment Outcomes
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.