Session: Contraceptive Services and Behavior
3072.0: Monday, November 17, 2003: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Contraceptive Services and Behavior
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Board 1LunelleTM:Has it been worth the wait and more?
Lorraine Tiezzi, MS, Pamela Haller, MPH, MDiv, Judy Lipschutz, MS, Andrea Guerra, BA, Vaughn I Rickert, PsyD
Board 2Reproductive health care for poor teenage girls in Ethiopia: Eliminating barriers
Dian J. Harrison, CEO, MSW
Board 3Caution: Provocative artwork ahead! Getting attention for Emergency Contraception
Anna L. Garc�a, Terri L. Walsh, MPH, Ron Frezieres, MSPH
Board 4Community resolve to mitigate the effects of harmful traditional practices (HTPs)
Gabremaskal Habtemariam, PhD
Board 5Defining sex in the post-Clinton era: Attitudes about sexual practices among abstinent college freshmen
Marjorie R. Sable, DrPH, MSW, Lynn Blinn Pike, PhD, Kimberly E Scott, Lisa Schwartz, MSPH, MS
Withdrawn -- Fertility on the frontier: Contraceptive behavior in the Sierra de Lacandon National Park, Guatemala
Laura P. Boschini, David L. Carr, PhD
Board 6Language barriers and access to reproductive healthcare
Nancy Goldfarb, MSW, Alma Avila-Pilchman, Jennifer Parker, MSW
Board 7Lessons Learned from the Design and Implementation of an International Entertainment-Education Behavior Change Project
Jennifer M. Ballentine, MPH, Anne Sebert, MPH, Christine Galavotti, PhD, Joseph Petraglia, PhD, Katina A. Pappas-DeLuca, MA
Board 8Is social desirability bias a possible source of the racial disparity in nationally reported unintended pregnancy levels? Evidence from New Orleans
Aimee Afable-Munsuz, MPH
Withdrawn -- Pleasure deficit: The role of desire in women's contraceptive Decisions
Jenny Higgins, MA, Jennifer S. Hirsch, PhD
Board 9Predictors of Planned Condom Use Among Hormonal Contraceptive Users
Haleh Sangi-Haghpeykar, PhD, Samuel Posner, PhD, Alfred Poindexter, MD
Board 10Social networks and contraceptive use in the Kassena-Nankana District,Ghana
Winfred Aweyire Avogo, MA, Cornelius Debpuur, PhD, Philomena Nyarko, PhD
Organized by:Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
Endorsed by:Maternal and Child Health; Public Health Education and Health Promotion; Women's Caucus

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA