Session: Suicide and Victimization in the Public Health Context
3364.0: Monday, November 17, 2003: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Suicide and Victimization in the Public Health Context
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Withdrawn -- Durkheim reexamined: Social capital, political context, and suicide
Caroline F. Mae, MSW, Gary Walby, MS, MSPH
Withdrawn -- Sociocultural Context of Latina Adolescent Suicide Attempts: Implications for Prevention
Lisa R. Fortuna, MD
Board 1Is emotional well-being a strong indicator for suicidal thoughts among adolescents?
Narayanan I. Valappil, PhD
Board 2Social indicators associated with suicide prevention
Laurel Hourani, PhD, Lucy Davidson, MD, Nita Patel, MPH, Monique Clinton-Sherrod, PhD, Maureen Marshall, MS, Alex Crosby, MD; MPH
Board 3A meta-analysis of two suicide prevention programs targeted to the middle and high school population
Sahily de Castro, MHSA, Frederick L. Newman, PhD, C. Gerry Mills, PhD
Board 4An Evaluation of a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program
Robert H. Aseltine, PhD
Board 5Beyond victimization: Examining the role of witnessing and perception of violence on adolescent mental health
Brenda Liz Henry, MPH, Marc Zimmerman, PhD
Board 6Intimate Partner Violence and risk of child abuse: Why are victims of IPV at higher risk of abusing their children?
Cecilia Casanueva, Sandra L. Martin, PhD
Board 7Relationship between mothers’ exposure to violence and traumatic events and their child’s mental health: Findings from the homeless families study in Westchester County, NY
Andrea Ault, BBA, Erez Lenchner, MA, PhD(c)
Organized by:Mental Health
Endorsed by:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; Injury Control and Emergency Health Services; Public Health Education and Health Promotion

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA