The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA

234.0: Sunday, November 16, 2003 - 2:50 PM

Abstract #69944

Developing culturally responsive research, training and dissemination: A participatory action research approach

Karyl A. Eckels, BA, Health Access and Long-Term Services, World Institute on Disability, 510 16th Street, Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94612, 510-251-4312,

In general, ethnically and culturally diverse people have been underrepresented in health promotion and disability research and training initiatives. Federal agencies, researchers, educators and minority leaders have increasingly emphasized the critical importance of including ethnically and culturally diverse participants in research and training efforts aimed at improving the lives of people with disabilities. The National Institute of Disability Rehabilitation Research has been in the forefront of inclusion efforts, developing policies related to conducing participatory action research (PAR), training and dissemination and integrating underrepresented populations in it�s long range plan (NIDRR, 1999). As a result the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Health and Wellness for People with Disabilities Consortium, developed a study designed to analyze culturally responsive approaches to research, training and dissemination.

The major objectives and activities of the study include the following:

  1. Design and pilot research protocols
  2. Evaluate the impact of participatory action planning and consultation on the involvement of ethnically and culturally diverse RRTC participants, policies and procedures
  3. Disseminate findings

This poster session will highlight evaluation data detailing the impact of PAR planning and consultation on the involvement of the RRTC on Health and Wellness for People with Disabilities Consortium�s, ethnically and culturally diverse participants, policies, and procedures. Additionally, data collection and analysis, as well as, PAR consultation protocols will be presented.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Cultural Competency, Disability

Related Web page:

Participatory Action Research

The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA