![]() | The 131st Annual Meeting (November 15-19, 2003) of APHA |
Ruta Valaitis, RN, PhD1, Wendy Sword, RN, PhD2, Bob Jones, MEd3, and Andrea Hodges, RN, BScN1. (1) McMaster University, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada, 905-525-9140, valaitis@mcmaster.ca, (2) School of Nursing HSc 3N25, McMaster University, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada, (3) Sheridan College, Visualization Design Institute, 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H 2L1, Canada
The purpose of this paper is to share experiences and perceptions of health sciences students' use of a computer–mediated communication system (First Class). Students worked in a small group problem-based learning environment and consulted with FASD experts in the community. Content experts, such as a PHN, a social worker, a health promoter, and a legal guardian of an child with FASD were trained to use the computer system. Students (n= 22) were in their senior years of nursing or midwifery and represented both undergraduate and graduate programs.
A rich digital FASD case was developed. It included three case scenarios and a variety of resources such as videos, web and journal resources, relevant documents, and case records. Student perceptions about their experiences were obtained from written reflections gathered throughout the four- six weeks of the intervention and through focus groups conducted afterwards. Preliminary findings indicated that consultations with experts were valued, felt accessible and “real”, and provided relevant local information for the case. Some barriers for use were also identified. Implications from the results indicate that application of online consultations may also support continuing education of public health professionals.
Learning Objectives:
Keywords: Computer-Assisted, Problem Based Learning
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.