The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

3305.1: Monday, November 11, 2002 - 5:30 PM

Abstract #49327

Clean Air For Barrio Children's Health

Diane Takvorian, Environmental Health Coalition, 1717 Kettner Boulevard, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92101, 619-235-0281,

Communities of color shoulder the bulk of the health and economic burdens created by air pollution and toxic chemicals and this pattern holds true in San Diego. The predominantly Latino communities of Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, and Sherman Heights in San Diego are among the poorest in the county and home to the county's largest concentration of hazardous materials. There is substantial evidence that children living in these urban areas are more likely to suffer from asthma and other respiratory ailments, and there are currently many research efforts underway to investigate reasons for this disproportionate suffering, and to identify appropriate interventions. Working with the Southern California Health Science Center (a consortium of the University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles, and California Institute of Technology) and the Logan Heights Family Health Center, Environmental Health Coalition are conducting assessments of air quality and health in the following areas: evaluating air quality in the target area; characterizing the problems of asthma and other respiratory disease in the target area; and estimating the burden of children's respiratory disease in the community. The Consortium developed an asthma education course in Spanish and English that consists of 4 sessions, which are each 1.5 hours in length. The paper will discuss the topics covered through this program to educate the community: understanding asthma; asthma triggers; medications; and use of respiratory devices.

Learning Objectives: Objectives

Keywords: Environmental Justice, Asthma

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Environmental Justice: Partnerships Between Health Professionals and Communities for Asthma Education

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA