The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

4266.0: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - Table 8

Abstract #46771

Development of a resource guide booklet to improve access to care for North Nashville residents with cardiovascular disease and diabetes

Consuela D. Greene, BS1, Ta'rese Gardner1, Linda McClellan, MS2, and Michelle Marrs, MS3. (1) Nashville REACH 2010 Project, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center, 1501 Herman Street, Nashville, TN 37208, (615) 327-9400 x.483,, (2) Project REACH 2010, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Care Center, 1501 Herman Street, Nashville, TN 37208, (3) Executive Director, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Care Center, 1501 Herman Street, Nashville, TN 37208

The Nashville REACH 2010 project has developed a resource referral guide booklet of affordable and available resources for distribution to the North Nashville community. The overall goal of the Nashville REACH 2010 project is to reduce and, in time, eliminate disparities for diabetes and cardiovascular disease among African Americans, thereby improving awareness and access to primary care services. Previous studies have shown a lack of awareness of affordable resources is a barrier in accessing health care. The Access to Health Care team has identified resources that are beneficial to diabetic, hypertensive, heart disease and/or stroke patients who live in the North Nashville community. Numerous organizations and health care agencies have consented to be listed in the booklet as well as collaborate with Nashville REACH 2010. These providers have also agreed to provide care to uninsured consumers with untreated conditions. Included in the guide booklet are hospitals, clinics, physician offices, dental, eye, and kidney resources, and other assistance programs all of which can assist individuals with their total health care needs. Distribution of the guide booklet will be offered at various community sites such as beauty salons, grocery stores, laundry mats, and others. It will also be included as a link on the Nashville REACH 2010 website. The resource guide booklet will be updated on a bi-annual basis to include additional resources. Usage of the resource guide booklet will ultimately improve awareness of resources and decrease deaths among African Americans in North Nashville with diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant in this session will be able to

Keywords: Access and Services, Health Care

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I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Emerging Issues in Public Health

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA