The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA

5065.0: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - Board 7

Abstract #41845

Reduced risk of diabetes complications after health promotion education

Rosalie F. Young, PhD1, John Waller, Dr PH2, Richard Kaczynski, PhD3, and Julie H Young, MS1. (1) Community Medicine, Wayne State University, 4201 St. Antoine, University Health Center, Detroit, MI 48201, (313) 577-6681,, (2) Senior VP for Urban and Community Health, Detroit Medical Center, Wayne University School of Medicine, Chairperson, Dept. of Community Medicine, 4201 St. Antoine Blvd., Suite 9D, Detroit, MI 48201, (3) Wayne State University School of Medicine, 4201 St. Antoine, University Health Center, Detroit, MI 48201

Background: Health promotion programs that augment medical care with self-management of diabetes can reduce the incidence of disease complications. If community-based, these diabetes prevention programs may suit the needs of racial/ethnic minorities. Method: 1014 subjects received weekly diabetes education and a knowledge based skill and behavioral change program. This community-based intervention was offered by a health care team to predominantly African-American high risk individuals. Pre- and post-program comparisons were made at completion of the 9 week intervention. Results: At program entry individuals with type 2 diabetes had high risk for complications (55% were obese, 39% hypertensive, 45% had HgbA1c >8.0). At program exit they showed significantly lower HgbA1c (p< .01), SBP and DBP (p< . 05), and depression (p< .001). Increased self-care (e.g., blood glucose self-testing, foot inspection, better nutrition) (p< .001), knowledge of diabetes complications and management (p< .001), adaptation to diabetes (p< .001), social support (p< .001) and use of preventive care services were also shown. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that health promotion education that emphasizes behavioral change, and is offered in community settings, can reduce risks for complications of diabetes.

Learning Objectives:

Keywords: Diabetes, Community-Based Health Promotion

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Advances in Reaching Special Populations for the Prevention, Control and Management of Diabetes

The 130th Annual Meeting of APHA