5257.0: Wednesday, October 24, 2001: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Oral Session

School Health

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Later
Presider(s):Mary Kay Anderson, MSN, PhD
4:30 PMInteraction model of client health behavior (IMCHB) as a conceptual guide in the explanation of children�s health behaviors
Carolyn H. Robinson, PhD, MPH, RN, Sandra P. Thomas, PhD, RN
4:45 PMParents' perceptions of children's health needs and school-based health services
Toni O. Barnett, PhD, FNP-C
5:00 PMSchool Health Services in Missouri: Barriers and Facilitators in the effectiveness of School Nurses
M. Kay Libbus, DrPH, RN, Linda F.C. Bullock, PhD, RN, Constance Brooks, Judith Igoe, RN MS FAA, Nela Beetem, RNC, Glenda Miller
5:15 PMSchool Health Services in Missouri: Nursing competencies and skills in the care of children with special health care needs
Linda F.C. Bullock, PhD, RN, Constance Brooks, M. Kay Libbus, DrPH, RN, Judith Igoe, RN MS FAA, Nela Beetem, RNC, Glenda Miller
5:30 PMSchool nurses� views and beliefs about communicating with parents of young asthmatic children
Ann Yeamans, MS, RN, Hayley Hughes, BA, Rebecca T. Parkin, MPH, PhD
Sponsor:Public Health Nursing
Cosponsors:School Health Education and Services; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA