4199.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

Oral Session

Epidemiology Contributed Papers-Asthma and Other Chronic Diseases

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Moderator(s):A Troutman
2:30 PMTemporal and Regional Variation in Asthma Diagnosis in NYC
Lori A Stevenson, MPH, Lisa Elkind, Van Dunn, MD MPH
2:45 PMPrevalence of asthma in urban elementary school children
Mayris P. Webber, DrPH, Kelly E. Carpiniello, David K Appel, MD
3:00 PMDemographics of Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Asthmatic Children in North Carolina School-based Asthma Surveillance
Karin Yeatts, PhD, Carl M Shy, MD, Mark Sotir, MS, Vic Rhodes, BS, Casey Herget
3:15 PMDevelopment and validation of a new evidence-based Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) mortality prediction model
Boxiong Tang, MD, PhD, Guizhou Hu, MD, PhD, Martin Root, PhD
3:30 PMBaseline disparities in preventable cardiovascular hospitalizations among African American men and women in Atlanta�s Empowerment Zone: Benchmarks for CDC�s REACH 2010 objectives
Sharon K. Davis, MPA, PhD, Adewale Troutman, MD, MPH, Yong Liu, MS
Cosponsors:Chiropractic Health Care; Occupational Health and Safety; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Chiropractic, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA