6009.0: Thursday, October 25, 2001: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Oral Session

Nutrition Trends in International and Immigrant Populations

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Organizer(s):Charlene Sanders
8:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
8:42 AMBreastfeeding Promotion by Vietnamese Physicians in California
Kim P. Nguyen, MS, Joanne P. Ikeda, MA, RD, Giao Q Pham, MD, MS
8:54 AMThe meaning of food and the contexts in which food is used: Experiences of a population residing in a black township in South Africa
Thandi Puoane, RN, MPH, DrPH, Princess Matwa, RN, MPH
9:06 AMTrends and causes of anemia in Kazakhstan
Almaz Sharman, MD, PhD, Dauren Imanbayev, MD, Bedel Sarbayev, PhD
9:18 AMPlanning, implementing and evaluating a school nutrition project in Zhejiang province, China
Carmen E Aldinger, MPH, Yu Sen-Hai, MD, Peter Glasauer, PhD, Phyllis Scattergood
9:30 AMIs unsaturated fat largely responsible for the major reduction in heart disease mortality in Eastern Europe?
Witold A Zatonski, Walter C. Willett
Sponsor:Food and Nutrition
Cosponsors:School Health Education and Services; Social Work; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA