4126.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM

Oral Session

Topics in Immunizations and the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: Refer to the individual abstracts for learning objectives
Moderator(s):Stuart Berman, MD, MPH
12:30 PMAssociation between incidence and mortality rates of dengue fever, and resistance levels of Aedes aegypti to Malathion
Jose Luis P�rez, MD, Milena Mazzarri, PhD, Manuel Bayona, MD, PhD, Marco Marruffo, MD, MPH, Erick Su�rez, PhD, Federico Montealegre, DVM, MS, PhD
12:45 PMHepatitis C and syphilis seroprevalence among clients attending anonymous HIV testing and counseling sites, San Diego, CA, 2000-2001
Robert A. Gunn, MD MPH, Paula Murray, MPH, Denise Borntrager, BS, Carolyn Brennan, MPH
1:00 PMIdentifying factors influencing anti-malarial drug treatment practices in Katanga, Uganda: a cross-sectional study
Sheba Elizabeth Rugege, BS, MPH, Remi Lina Imeokparia, MD, PhD
1:15 PMTuberculosis diagnosed after death in the United States, 1985 to 1995
Philimon Gona, PhD, MPH, Jose E Becerra, MD, MPH, George M Cauthen, SD
1:30 PMAssessing the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C patients in Indiana for 1999
Elizabeth L. Hamilton-Byrd, MD, Janet Ramsey, MS, Nichole Scott, Ruth Terpstra, MS, Tess Weathers, Julia Butwin, MSN, RN, Robert Teclaw, DVM, MPH, PhD
1:45 PMUsing DNA markers to model pathogen spread in child care centers
Louise Lawson, PhD, Xi Jiang, PhD, Janelle Mills, BS, Amy McCraw, MSW, Larry K. Pickering, MD
Cosponsors:Community Health Planning and Policy Development; HIV/AIDS; International Health; Occupational Health and Safety; Socialist Caucus
CE Credits:CME, Health Education (CHES), Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA