4171.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001: 12:30 PM-2:00 PM

Poster Session

Improvements in Data Collection, and Other Issues in Health Statistics

This poster session includes statistical studies of geographic variation, reports of innovative data collection methodologies, and a simulation study of empirical effect sizes in analyses of variance. Posters concerned with geographic variation include a national comparison of health status measures by level of five strata spanning the urban-rural continuum, a new federal tool for collection of state and local data by integrated telephone surveys, and an application of a geographic information system in the design and evaluation of a community-based chronic disease intervention project. Data collection strategies for longitudinal surveys of transient Latino populations, and Computer-Assisted Self Interview for sensitive data, are also described.
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: After reviewing these posters, the attendee should be able to: 1. Describe urban-rural differences in various health outcomes and health access measures. 2. Describe how graphical information systems can be used to help meet objectives of a community-based chronic disease intervention project. 3. Describe the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (SLAITS), and the opportunities it provides for obtaining in-depth state and local data. 4. Identify special data collection issues presented by surveys targeted to transient Spanish speaking populations, as well as effective strategies to address them. 5. Describe issues involved in the development and implementation of an Audio-Computerized Assisted Self Interview (A-CASI), including software expense, technical issues, staffing needs, subject acceptance, and validity of resulting data. 6. Define several measures of effect size in analysis of variance (ANOVA), and discuss characteristics of their null empirical distributions.
Board 1Urban and Rural Health: Highlights from the Health United States, 2001 Chartbook
Deborah D. Ingram, PhD, Diane M. Makuc, DrPH, Virginia F. Freid, MA, Elsie R. Pamuk, Mark S. Eberhardt, PhD
Board 2Visualizing the impact of community-based diabetes intervention trial: GIS as novel methodologic tool
Hyunok Choi, MPH, Michael Mulvihill, DrPH
Board 3SLAITS: a new state and local data collection tool of the NCHS
Terry L. Richardson, PhD, Stephen Blumberg, PhD, Marcie Cynamon, MA, Trena Ezzati-Rice, MS
Board 4Empirically-based characteristics of effect sizes used in ANOVA
J. Jackson Barnette, PhD
Board 5Data collection techniques utilized in a longitudinal study with a transient Spanish speaking population - Withdrawn
Rebeca Cerna, Charity Cason, MS, Armando Tafoya, Cynthia Peck
Board 5Investigator development and use of audio-computer-assisted self-interview (A-CASI):Issues from the field
Lisa Belcher, PhD, Colleen DiIorio, PhD, RN, Pamela Denzmore-Nwagbara, MPH
CE Credits:CME, Chiropractic, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA