4003.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Poster Session

Using Media and Advertising in Tobacco Control Poster Session

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement.
Learning Objectives: See individual abstracts.
Board 1Direct-To-Consumer advertising ploys used to attract smokers
Tara M. Jenkins, MS, PharmD
Board 2Changing tobacco-related social norms: Results from Arizona�s media campaign
Michael Burgoon, PhD, Alexandra Hendriks, MS, Eusebio Alvaro, PhD, Joseph Grandpre, PhD
Board 3Association between advertising and calls to a tobacco quit line
Craig H Mosbaek, BA, Mike J Stark, PhD, Barbara A Pizacani, MPH, Kristen L Rohde, MA, Nancy G Clarke, BS, Jerry K Weller, MS, Melvin A Kohn, MD
Board 4Evaluation of the American Cancer Society�s Smokers� Quitline
Vance Rabius, MA, Alfred L. McAlister, PhD, Michael Telch, PhD, Kimberly G. Hollister, BA, Susan M. Stormer, PhD, Angela Geiger, Ronald Todd
Board 5Influence of demographic characteristics on reported frequency of point of sales tobacco advertisement: Results from 1999 National Youth Tobacco Survey
Alec Ulasevich, PHD, Doug Evans, PhD
Board 6Innovative anti-tobacco cartoons used to engage youth in tobacco control activities
Celena E. Watson, MPH, CHES, Susan Gregory, MS, RD, LDN, George Davis
Board 7Newspaper coverage of tobacco control legislative events: Case study approach
Alec Ulasevich, PhD, Doug Evans, PhD
Board 8Issues involved in the evaluation of paid media campaigns for tobacco control
Susan E. Middlestadt, PhD, Rose Mary Romano, MA, Susan Rogers, PhD, Katherine Dusenbery, MA
Board 9Using an Adult Tobacco Survey for Media Tracking
M. Jane Lewis, DrPH, Edmond Malka, MPH, Ira Kaufman, MS, Mona Shah, MPH, Raychel Kubby Adler, MPH, CHES
Board 10Utilization of content analysis of newspaper coverage in evaluating statewide tobacco control efforts
M Jane Lewis, DrPH, Raychel Kubby Adler, MPH, CHES
Sponsor:Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
CE Credits:CME, Chiropractic, Pharmacy, Social Work

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA