3146.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - 3:10 PM

Abstract #32602

Community Health Education Nursing with Enhanced Environmental Health Component for Baccalaureate Degree Nurses

Sharon Burt, PhD1, Nancy Sweeney, PhD1, and Ann de Peyster, PhD2. (1) School of Nursing, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, , isandvold@hrsa.gov, (2) Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Nurses are often confronted with issues related to exposure to biological, chemical, and physical agents of disease found in the environment. Recognizing diseases with possible environmental causes and addressing related patient concerns is difficult without specialized knowledge and experience. A pilot program was initiated that introduced key environmental concepts and community resources into the Community Health Nursing course at San Diego State University (SDSU). An Environmental Health Risk Appraisal tool was developed and the family analysis tool used in this course was also modified to include assessment of environmental health hazards. Exams and other assignments were also modified to reinforce environmental health concepts. Each student completed a field learning experience to reinforce course content and provide ‘real world’ perspectives on how changes can be effected in unsafe environments. The focus of individual field experiences varied and ranged from water quality, housing, vector control, and food safety to poison prevention and control, counseling services provided by the teratogen information service, and assessment of occupational health hazards. This new course component culminated in a poster session organized for students to compare experiences and share what they learned with other nursing students, field preceptors, faculty and staff from the SDSU School of Nursing and Graduate School of Public Health partners in this project. This 15-week Community Health Nursing course serves 60 to 120 students in the baccalaureate degree nursing program each year. We will present reactions and performance of the first class to complete the enhanced curriculum, and also feedback on program evaluations completed by field preceptors and instructors.

Learning Objectives: 1. List baccalaureate student learning objectives related to environmental health. 2. Identify four competencies related to nursing practice in the area of environmental health and nursing. 3. Describe four areas of environmental health content and appropriate integration in existing baccalaureate nursing curricula. 4. Describe two incentives to reward field agency partners for their collaboration in teaching baccalaureate nursing students. 5. Describe the use of Blackboard to increase access to the enhanced curriculum

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Handout (.ppt format, 83.5 kb)

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA