3167.4: Monday, October 22, 2001 - Board 6

Abstract #31961

Defining public health: Contemplating its true meaning

Tourette Jackson, BS, Shalini Parekh, BS, Alex Bingcang, BS, John Poe, DVM, Bridget Hittepole, BA, Michael McNeely, BS, and Chris L. Day, BS. Kentucky School of Public Health, University of Kentucky, 121 Washington Ave. , CAHP Rm 102, Lexington, KY 40536-0003, , litsnap@hotmail.com

Public health in the 21st century has become transparent in the eyes of the public. Throughout history, public health has played a role in a myriad of improvements in the health status of our populations. However, today few realize the positive impact that the practice of public health has had on their every day lives. Now more than ever, public health leaders must develop a clear definition of public health that will enable professionals to better articulate the importance of public health activities to people and communities in order to continue to protect and improve upon the public’s health. Through knowledge, individuals and society may be empowered to play a more significant role in shaping the way public health measures protect the health of their respective community.

Education must play a significant role in the future of public health if it is to build upon successes of the past. The advent of schools of public health and the training of young professionals to carry out its mission is a step in the right direction. However, students must become more than public health historians. Young professionals must be able to effectively describe the parameters public health encompasses in a way that the public understands the need to maintain current preventive efforts. In addition, schools of public health must train students to implement the tools and techniques needed to protect global health for the future.

Learning Objectives: 1. Gain a broad understanding of parameters that encompass public health 2. Identify historical trends, which have shaped the way public health is viewed today 3. Recognize the ways in which public health positively impacts us in our daily lives, but has become transparent to the public eye 4. Empower the public to recognize the need to maintain current preventive efforts and to sustain the capability to meet future threats 5. Explain the need for Schools of Public health to promote the agenda of public health practice, and to enhance society's view of public health and its protection measures

Keywords: History, Health Communications

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA