4184.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 2:30 PM

Abstract #31700

Part II--Reaching our Destination: Implementing National Performance Standards

Colleen C. Hughes, PhD, RN, Division of Community and Clinical Health Systems, Washoe County Health Department, NV, 775-328-2442, chughes@mail.co.washoe.nv.us, Michael Hatcher, Public Health Practice Program Office/Division of Public Health Systems Development and Research, Centers for Disease Contol and Prevention, GA, and Ronald Bialek, MPP, Public Health Foundation.

Over the past three years, ASTHO, NACCHO, NALBOH, PHF and APHA have been working with CDC to develop three assessment tools for local, state, and governance public health systems to be used for the National Public Health Performance Standards Program. Now that the tools have been finalized, the program begins to move into a new phase---Implementation. During Part II of the session, panelists will discuss lessons learned from field testing the performance standards assessments tools, how these tools and the results can be integrated into Quality Improvement programs and local, state, and governance systems and evaluation of the program. Implementation roll-out, next steps and evaluation of the program will also be addressed See www.apha.org/ppp/phipmain.htm

Learning Objectives: At the cocnclusion of the session, the participants in this session will be able to: 1)Identify field test states and describe their experiences; 2) Describe two ways the performance standards information can be integrated into QI programs; and 3)List the next steps to implementation and how to obtain information.

Keywords: Assessments, Performance Measurement

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA