3102.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - 3:00 PM

Abstract #30013

Combating health disparities in multi-ethnic communities in the United States through faith-based interventions

Judy G. Worthington, RN, MBA, Community Health and Cultural Competence, Inova Health System, 2990 Telestar Court, Falls Church, VA 22042, 703-289-2426, judy.worthington@inova.com

Faith communities are the center of life for many ethnic groups and represent a place of shared culture, trust, and focus on self-improvement. Working with multi-ethnic faith communities to provide health promotion and education, immunizations and health screenings is an effective means to combat health disparities of these populations. The Congregational Health Partnership (CHP) of Inova Health System, located in the Washington DC metorpolitan area (the third largest immigration center in the United States), works in partnership with faith communities to identify health needs and concerns and provide programs to address those needs. CHP has eighteen partnering congregations representing approximately 17,450 congregation members. In 2000, approximately 2,605 individuals' lives were touched through CHP programs. An overview of Inova's Congregational Health Partnership will be provided. Two distinct models for work within multi-ethnic faith communities will be described. The first model, based on experiences gained in one of the nation's largest Korean faith communities, will identify the major health disparities in the Korean community. Results of health assessments in the Korean community will be provided and information and suggestions for working with Korean congregations will be offered. The second model is based on the experiences of an interfaith coalition of churches and their outreach to a multi-ethnic community. Demographics of the community will be provided, and an overview of the history of the coalition will be presented. Information about coalition building will be offered. Results of health promotion and health screening activities will be presented.

Learning Objectives: Identify effective strategies for health improvement in multi-ethnic faith communities. Identify two distinct models for working in multi-ethnic faith communities. Identify specific health disparities in major cultural groups and ways to work with faith communities to address these disparities. Recognize cultural factors contributing to health concerns in Korean and Hispanic communities.

Keywords: Faith Community, Ethnic Minorities

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Inova Health System
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: employment

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA